Chapter 13

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After being checked over again, the doctor advised Gwen she could be released that day, but with minimal activity since she still had a concussion. They filled out the paperwork and were waiting on the nurse to bring it back for them to leave.

"Kevin will be here any minute to take us back to their house. We will have to call the insurance company and see what we can do about our personal possessions that were in the car. I'm sure we'll be able to obtain them or replace things as needed."

"Mm-hmm." Gwen seemed to be in her own world, not really paying attention to AJ.

"Honey, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm fine." She was not looking at him at all.

"Gwen, you've never been able to lie to me very well." He took her hands in his. "What's in that pretty head of yours?"

"I had a nightmare while... while asleep." She looked down, not wanting to say "unconscious." "I was back... there. I kept searching for you, and kept getting caught. But I heard you calling to me, so I knew you had to be around. So I kept pushing forward to find you. You then told me to come back to you. But I was lost, and there was nothing around me. Then, I... I went dark. I lost hope. I was in my head. I hated feeling that way. I was stuck. Something though pulled me out of it- you. I heard you telling me to wake up. Then, I realized I was asleep and made myself wake up." Gwen had tears threatening to fall. "Every time I sleep, I am fighting them. That's why I don't want to sleep. I'm always transported to different places, but it's always with them chasing me. Sometimes chasing us. We're never together though... either they have you and I'm trying to find you, or last night I had one where you were at Kevin and Katie's kitchen table, slumped over, and I knew Granny knocked you out, and I thought you— you were—" she couldn't choke out the last word, and broke down crying.

AJ quickly embraced her. "Baby, it's okay. I'm right here. That nightmare was only that- a nightmare. I'll never leave your side." He kissed her forehead. "I love you, Gwen. I'm right here." He held her as she sobbed. He felt bad about her having these dreams and him not being able to fix this. He always wanted to protect her and help her through anything, but he couldn't get inside her head to fix this. "Do you think you should tell the doctor about these dreams?" he asked her as she calmed down.

"They were happening before the accident, so they wouldn't be able to help me. I might... I might have to go to therapy to get a shrink to fix me."

"Hey, you don't need to be 'fixed.' You have been through multiple major traumatic events, and your brain is trying to work through it as best as it can. Please don't ever think you're 'broken' or anything like that. You are perfect to me." She closed her eyes as more tears slipped out. "We can definitely set some therapy appointments up for you to get the help you need. You know I'll do anything for you."

"Thank you. I love you." She gave him a kiss.

Kevin knocked and came in. "Your chariot awaits." AJ and Gwen chuckled.

"We're just waiting on the nurse—" Gwen got cut off with a knock and the nurse brought in her release papers.

"Alright, we're out of here!" AJ said.

Kevin lead the way out of the room, and they all went to the car and traveled back to Kevin and Katie's house.

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