Chapter 6

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Finally, the big date night arrived. Gwen had gone shopping a few days before with Katie, picking out a new dress to wear, and getting AJ some nice clothes as well.

Gwen was in the bathroom, finishing her makeup when AJ came up behind her.

"Wow. You look— wow."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She giggled. "You don't look half-bad yourself, mister."

He smiled at her. "I don't know how I got so lucky to be your husband."

She blushed. "All I know is I'm the lucky one." She checks her phone. "Okay, Romeo. We'd better go before we miss our reservations."

They bid Katie and Kevin good night and head to the car.

"So, where are we going? Or is that part of the mystery?" Gwen looks over at AJ and smirks.

He grins. "Just a little romantic place I found. You're going to love it."

"I'm sure I will. By the way, thank you for doing this for me. I know I haven't been the easiest to be around lately."

"Honey, you don't have to worry about that. You and I have been through a lot of trauma, and the after-affects are a part of that healing process. Your mind is coping with everything that went on, and it's taking a toll on you."

"You aren't having nightmares though. You're only losing sleep because of me." Gwen cast her eyes down to her lap. "I just wish I could get them to stop."

"They will. You're already having less than what you did last week. You were up to 6 a night, now you're down to 4. That's definitely progress."

"I guess..." She feels tears stinging her eyes. "Let's talk about something else. Something happy."

"Okay. I did talk to the landlord, and since the fire was created in self defense, she said we have a stronger case of getting  any arson charges removed and we can hopefully get back into the house. She said she understood why we did what we did, but it'll take some time to rebuild. But she's hoping for us to be back in there by next month. I have already talked it over with Kevin and Katie, they said we are more than welcome to stay until it's done."

"I guess that's good." She looked out the window.

"Hey," he said, grabbing her hand, "we did what we had to do. Don't forget that. If we wouldn't have set fire to them, we may not have been here today."

"Yeah, okay." Gwen swallowed, her mouth going completely dry. "Did— did they find— bodies?" Gwen choked a bit trying to get her question out and hopefully one of her fears would get put to rest.

"She didn't say. But, if they can tell it was self defense, I'm guessing they did find them in there."

Gwen turned back to the window, a tear escaping from her. She knew they had to be gone, but they still occupied her mind. No matter what she did, they would be there to greet her in her sleep.

"Oh, Katie told me you guys were going to get me a pink unicorn shirt?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow to his wife.

"Yeah, it didn't match my dress though."

"I would have rocked it too hard is what you're saying..." He grinned over at her, hoping to see a smile. She did not disappoint.

"Yes, my man looks good in anything." She giggled.

He brought her hand up and kissed it. "We are almost there. It should be right around the corner here."

"Good. I'm starving." AJ could tell his wife was putting on a brave front, but he would let it go for now. They hadn't been married long, only a couple years, but he knew her almost as well as he knew himself. She was hurting, she was scared, and she just wanted this nightmare to end.

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