Chapter 12

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Gwen ran down the hallway to the kitchen. Grandpa was right behind her with a crowbar, shouting at her. "I see you!" She ran around the island and went into the living room, looking for anything to help her escape him. She couldn't find anything that would fend him off. She headed upstairs to one of their spare bedrooms, and found a shotgun. She ran back downstairs and ran into Grandpa at the base of the stairs. She took aim and shot him. He fell down, and she took off to avoid Granny. "One fewer foe at least." She saw Granny checking Grandpa, and Granny then turned around looking for Gwen. Gwen ran through the kitchen heading to the garage. She still couldn't find anything to help her get away. She ran back inside and went to head upstairs again... Grandpa wasn't on the floor! "What on Earth? Where is he?" Gwen continued upstairs and went into her bedroom. She closed the door, turned around, and found herself in Katie's house. "What?" She looked around. Everything seemed normal, so she opened the door again and went to find Katie, Kevin, or AJ. Kevin and Katie were nowhere to be found, but she saw AJ in the kitchen, sitting at the kitchen table slumped over. "He must have had a late night and fell asleep out here." She went to wake him, but as she reached out for him, she heard something. She slowly turned around and saw Granny standing there with a baseball bat in her hand. "No... he's not sleeping... you knocked him out!" She was mad now. No one hurts her husband! She grabbed the knife sitting on the counter and lunged for Granny. Granny disappeared and reappeared behind her. "Huh?" Gwen turned around. Granny was reaching for AJ. "No!" Gwen shouted and lunged again.

Gwen sat up quickly. She looked around and saw AJ sleeping in the chair next to her hospital bed, and a nurse had just walked in. "I was just coming to check on you. Your heart rate alarm started going off. Are you okay?"

"Umm, yes, I just had a bad dream, thanks."

"Can I get you anything?"

"Some water would be nice, please."

The nurse poured a cup from the jug in her room and handed it to her. "Here you are. The doctor will be doing her rounds shortly, so she'll check you over."

"Thank you." Gwen's heart rate was getting back down to normal.

"I'll leave you be. Buzz us if you need anything!" The nurse left the room.

Gwen looked over at AJ sleeping soundly. She was glad he was getting some rest. She really looked him over and saw the bruises and cuts on him. She was glad he wasn't hurt worse than he was. She wouldn't know what to do if anything were to have happened to him. She's just glad he's safe. Him being hurt in her dreams is bad enough.

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