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"Dude, that bitch was just starting at us. If I'll ever catch her alone I swear to God I will-"
" Maya! I got it. You don't like her. I don't either and you know it. But I have to try and forget about it. You know my parents can't find out about it. I don't want them to be in trouble cuz I know for sure, that bitch is crazy" I say while looking through the lessons from today and yesterday.

Maya and I are currently doing our homework but when you skip two days, it feels like you've lost a whole year of class.

" R, are we sure that she has that power? I mean, she's the leader, but will she really kill your parents? The people that were beside her parents for all of those years?"

" You can never know. Mom said that she was a good child and will be a good leader and here we are. She's a rapist" saying that word  made us both silent.

~three hours later~

Raven: yes mom, I feel better now
Mom: Did you eat?
Raven: yes (no)
Mom: Raven dear, you really scared us. Please, don't EVER do that again. Me and dad have just a couple more things to do then we'll be back.
Raven: okay mom. I am really sorry


Raven: mom, I think Maya just arrived. We are planning on sleeping at her's tonight so we can watch a movie (that's not really the main reason but she doesn't need to know that)
Mom: okay sweetie. Have fun! We love you. Good night!
Raven: love you too, byee!

I hang up and head to the door. I now lock it twice even though, from what I've learned, some assholes have a spare key just because they think they're better.

I don't bother to look through the door viewer, something I instantly regret after opening the door.
I try to close it back but she is stronger than me. I give up and back off  glancing around for my phone.
It can't happen again. I need to call someone.

She locks the door and then slowly comes closer to me. I can feel my heart beating so fast, it could explode.

"Get out of here. Leave me alone" I try to scream, but it comes out as whisper. She's getting closer and closer and I step back trying to reach my phone from my bed.

"Raven, listen. I just wanna talk with you"
"There's nothing to talk about Billie. You fucking destroyed me" tears start now to form in my eyes as my back hits the wall, making me feel vulnerable again.

Her eyes are travelling from my body to my eyes over and over. She looks like she's panicked too, but maybe I'm just not good at reading her body language.

"I am here to say sorry. Last night I got drunk and did something really bad. Just...don't tell anyone about it" she says it as she gets even closer. She touches my shoulder and I flinch, like her touch just gave my body a electric shock.

She steps back for the first time since she's here and begins to talk again on a more stern tone. " If you don't want the peaceful way, where you simply shut your mouth, I have to warn you that I can easily kill you and your whole family. If you snitch, there will be consequences Raven."

I look at her full of tears, searching for some kind of emotion. Nothing. Poker face is what could describe her right now. She seemed a bit insecure about her words but I feel like is a game she plays. To make me think she's sorry or something. Which I know she's not.

Standing there, looking at her through my blurry eyes I can manage to figure out where hers are. The shades of blue are mixing because of my tears, giving them an oceanic colour.

She suddenly turns away and  leaves me there. Alone. With my eyes full of tears. I can hardly breathe and I hear a noise inside my head getting  louder and louder.

I just close my eyes and after some seconds I can feel arms wrapped around my body. " It's ok Raven.  You're good. Breathe. Slowly R. Just like me." I was adjusting my air flow just like Maya was telling me. I don't know what I would do without her sometimes.

After I calm down and explain to her what just happened, we go to her room to get ready for sleep. Tomorrow I have to go back to training and I can't close one eye in my room right now.

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