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Mom: Hello
Raven: hi mom. How are you?
Mom: I'm good sweetheart, how are you? Are you having fun with Maya?
Raven: Yea, today was cool, but we got a problem. Are you free?
Mom: what problem? Are you okay?"
Raven: yeah, I'm fine...but the car is not so fine

Fuck me

Raven: No, I swear I didn't do anything, but the car kinda... it exploded.
Raven: I think you and dad need to come and see
Mom: Raven, are you safe? Are you hurt?
Raven: No mom, I'm good, just come.
Mom: okay sweetheart, me and your father will be there as soon as possible

~time skip~

As I get through the big gates, I spot Billie sitting on the stairs that lead to the mansion's door. She immediately lifted her head, looking at the car that was heading towards her.

My parents decided to send me back while they looked around and checked the car for any evidence related to a possible bomb.

I barely get out of the car, when Billie comes running towards me then hugs me tight

"Oh my god Raven you scared me so fuckig much. I'm never letting you leave again"

I push her away a little so I can breathe, then close the car's door so the driver can go and park it.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It was just an explosion Billie"

She frowned looking at me and held my hands in hers " Are you joking? Do you realise what just happened?"

"Yes Billie, the car exploded and I'm alive"

She let go of my hands and lowered her tone even if nobody was around.

"I don't know if you realise, but the fact that you didn't die doesn't mean that they missed you, it means that whoever did it, gave us a warning. If they really wanted to kill you, they could have, but they didn't. We don't know who they are, what they want and from who, so until then, we better watch out. Okay?"

Her words freaked me out a little. I've never seen Billie that serious about the gang stuff and I don't even know how to react.

"Okay" I say as I look at the way her eyes were examining every inch of my body and every move I was doing.

"Let's go inside. I almost had a heart attack when Bella called me and I need to feel your presence"

I followed her to my room then we both got changed and cuddled in my bed.

Everyone seemed to be really concerned about the situation except me, all until Billie scared me, and even after that, she was still more scared than me.

As I was looking at the ceiling, she snapped me out of my thoughts by softly calling my name. I hummed as a response then she continued

"What do you want to do for your birthday? I mean, it's a couple weeks away and if you want a party I thought I might organise it for you"

She took me by surprise with the question, but I knew what I wanted. "I don't really feel like throwing a party. I would go on a small trip with you rather than being in a big, loud room full of high people."

"I got you baby. Even though it feels unsafe for the two of us to go on a trip after what just happened, I promise I'll try my best on planning one"

I get up and lay on one of my elbows while my head is resting in my palm so I can look at her face from above.

"You know you don't really have to, all I wish for my 18th birthday is to pass the test and finally be a part of the gang."

"You already are a part of the gang and if the test is stressing you out, I can solve that." Billie says while she winks at me

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