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Billie's POV

"Are you sure you haven't seen her?" I asked Greg again as I was walking through the security room.

"I swear boss. I haven't seen her. Maybe she came inside while I was gone. I took a lunch break then I got stopped on my track by a friend whose car keys were missing. We looked through his room and when we finally found them, I realised I've been gone for too long" the guy confessed .

"I swear to god, you are fucking stupid!" I yelled at him while grabbing his collar. "I am really sorry, I swear. We could look through the security cameras to see if she even came in here" he said while heavily breathing.

"It will take too long. She's maybe in her room or something. Now go back to your damn job!" I spat as I rushed out of the room. I wasn't gonna go to her room, but I got out my phone to call her.

It was ringing, but nobody was picking up. All these nerves made me thirsty, so I decided to grab some orange juice from the kitchen.

I decided to try calling one more time but the results were the same. I stopped trying when I entered the kitchen. As I got to the fridge, I've recognised a tall figure talking to a random guy.

"Trevor! Weren't you supposed to be with Andrew?" I yelled at him. I swear nobody's doing his job today.

"You told me I'm free today. Did you forget?" He said looking at me like I was stupid.

"I didn't tell you shit. You are all idiots, I swear!" All eyes were now on me as I was having a hard time trying to calm down.

"Yes you did! Raven came to me, telling me you sent someone else!" He defended himself. I felt my heartbeat stop when his words came out.

"What did you say?" I asked now scared but on a low tone.

"Raven said I'm free today" I instantly grabbed my phone and tried to call her one more time but now there was no tone.

Full of panic and with lots of scary thoughts going through my mind, I called Raven's father. After two rings he picked up

James: hi Billie, what's up?
Billie: Raven run away

Raven's POV

As I wake up,my first instinct was to open my eyes but only then I realised that something was covering them. A piece of material was blocking my eyelashes.

I wasn't in a bed or on the floor, but on a chair. I wasn't able to move my legs or hands and I realised that I was tied to the chair.

"Hello! Is anyone here?" I asked on a low tone, trying not to be too loud. Someone's growl was the next thing I've heard, scaring me a little but I calmed down when I've heard Andrew's voice

"Raven? Are you okay?" He asked concerned

"Not really. I can't move. What happened?"

"Somebody knocked us down using chloroform. Can you see anything? He asked as I was trying to untie myself.

"I have something on my eyes. Can you?"

"I can't either. I wonder if Isaac is in here too" Andrew added.

"I don't know. Maybe he's still unconscious. Isaac! Are you here?" I yelled feeling a little stupid as I was calling for someone in a place that could be anywhere.

After two more shouts, I got a response " I'm right in front of you" I recognised his voice, but he didn't seemed as tired or full of discomfort as Andrew's was. He seemed chill.

"Are you tied up too?" Andrew asked full of hope.

"No. I'm not as stupid as you two are" At first, I thought he was joking, but then I felt someone yanking the piece of material from my eyes, revealing a room full of people.

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