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Raven's POV

"Okay everyone, today's training is over so we'll see each other tomorrow. And please stop partying during de working days. Ya'll are tired and useless" our trainer, Mr. Jar warned us.

"Are you excited for your parents to come back?" I hear Maya as she puts her phone in her pocket. She's been texting a lot lately. I mean, she's always texting Miles, but now it's more than usual. I didn't pay much attention because of my own problems, but something's off about her.

"Umm, yeah. But a bit scared. I don't know how to hide this whole thing from my fucking parents"           " Maybe you shouldn't" she says to me. I just look at her like she's crazy and continue walking to the kitchen.

Luckily, Billie is not there so I can finally eat peacefully. I feel like it would be my last meal for today cuz tonight I'll have to take dinner with my parents and guess who's family?

They just celebrate the success of the mission. There will be also Miles and his family so I won't be left alone. Even though he doesn't know about Billie abusing me, he's Maya's boyfriend, so we are really good friends.

~time skip~

I am currently going to the  mansion's gates, where Miles, Jaden and I are waiting for our parents. Jaden is one year older than Miles but they look very similar. I sometimes wish I had a sister but I have Maya, which means a lot to me.

As the SUV cars arrive, people are getting out of them. I see Billie and her family get out of the first one. She didn't notice us which is totally fine for me because I can already feel my anxiety getting the best out of me.

Seeing my parents again feels like a total release. I didn't care that I looked like a child, but I just run in their arms as soon as they got out of the car. The boys did the same anyways.

"Oh my god Raven how are you sweetheart?" I hear them asking me at the same time. " I feel better now. Way more better."

I feel protected in their arms, even if Billie is probably staring from a couple feet away. They've been gone before, even for longer period of time, but this time it was different thanks to the trauma I went through.

We all go to the meetings hall, where the dining will be served. I see Billie taking a place at the end of the table  and Patrick at the other. Maggie sits on Patrick's right side and I can see Miles and his family already taking the left side. All is left are three seats on the right so I rush to the one next to Maggie, not because I don't want to sit between my parents, but that is the most far away from Billie.

 All is left are three seats on the right so I rush to the one next to Maggie, not because I don't want to sit between my parents, but that is the most far away from Billie

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a/n: something like that

I get a weird look from Miles cuz he's the only one who noticed, but after glancing at Billie I realise that he's not.

"Mom" I hear her usual raspy voice say loud enough to capture her mother's attention. " I think that this is just a simple dinner, so we can leave the formal stuff where I sit at the end of the table. Can we please switch places so I don't feel the leader pressure at least for tonight?" Everyone is looking at her like she's a cute little child that's telling her parents about how hard the kindergarten was today. Well, everyone except me.

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