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Raven's POV

"Did you guys pack everything?"  My uncle asks as he helps us with our bags. Today is the 28th and we established to rent a mini van so we all could have fun on the way.

"You guys will love them. They are all funny" I say to my cousins as we get out. Outside, the black car was already waiting for us.

Jaden was driving and Drew was sitting on the right sit next to him. Miles and Maya were behind them and there were three rows of sits left, each for three people.

They all get out and I introduce them to eachother. After we say our goodbyes we get in and get going.

I sit right in the back between my cousins leaving the spots in front of us free."We are going to pick up Billie, Zoe and her boyfriend then the long road is waiting for us"

I'm surprised she's still coming but I'm ready to ignore her as much as possible.

As we arrive, we all get out again to say hi to her family. She might be an asshole but Finneas, Claudia and her parents are still cool.

She looks at me with sad eyes and the anger seems to be gone. Coming closer she holds out her hand to my cousins."Last time we seen eachother we didn't got to have an appropriate meeting. I'm Billie. It's nice to meet you."

They shake hands and I can see they are over what happened. Remus is a friendly human being.

She comes to me and looks me in the eyes, looking like a sad puppy but I completely ignore her and get in the car next to my cousins. She gets in, sitting alone on the row between us and Zoe and her Boyfriend, Luca.

"Ready?" Jaden yells excited as he starts the car.
We all give thumbs up and get going.

I can see Billie through the sits and she was scrolling on her phone, minding her own business.

The whole rode was three hours and we played some stupid games and listened music. We all get along and I can feel a lot of fun coming on the way. The only mad person was Billie and even though I acted like I didn't care, I wanted to get next to her and hold her tight the whole time.

~time skip~

As we got to the cabin we moved the luggage inside then looked around to see how much space we have.

"Allright, it looks like there are five rooms so we would make pairs of too. If you ask me, those pairs are already formed" Miles says as he looks at us.

I know exactly where this is going and I wish I could change my partner but there's no way to it. It will be too much trouble

I pick up my stuff and go upstairs, looking for a room. I see Remus and Alissa getting inside one and I take the one next to them. I put my suitcase on the ground and look around.

It wasn't too much but it was just fine. The room had a huge king size bed and a bathroom attached to it. There was also a big window and a door, leading us to a balcony. The balcony was connecting all the rooms so we all had access to it. Luckily, we have curtains.

"Which side do you pick?" I hear from behind. As I turn around, I see Billie closing the door behind her.

"I don't care. Choose whatever you want." I say as I take my eyes off of her, trying to avoid any kind of eye contact.

"Are you mad?" She asks as she puts her suitcase next to mine. Her question blocks me. I am kinda over it, but I can't let her treat me like a pet. Outside of this gang life, she can't tell me what to do.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm in a good mood so please don't fuck it. And by the way, when you choose where you sleep, don't forget you have to do it between the bed and the floor" Those were my last words before closing the door and leaving her alone.

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