Chapter 2

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*Vikranth Pov*

I glanced at the details sent by Mohan Uncle and immediately frowned. Nitish is the person to whom Shrishti got engaged?

While messaging Uncle, I called Shrishti and put it on the speaker to be able to chat with Uncle.

She is saying it is not for business purposes and she knows him for more than a year. I continued to frown and calmly asked her to think again about this marriage but I didn't expect her reaction at all.

"Stop it, Vikranth! I know you care for everyone and try to be a support but that doesn't mean that I can't do anything in my life without your pieces of advice. I like Nitish and that's why I am marrying him. You need not warn me or anything." Saying that she cut the call, and I just stared at the phone before calling her again but she just cut the call.

"What happened? Why did she talk like that?" I glanced up to find Kanika walking towards the couch and she must have returned from Anny's place.

"The person to whom Shrishti got engaged is Nitish." I explained and she just frowned.

"CEO of NK agency!" I added and she immediately sat down beside me on the couch.

"Is it because of your action against their agency?" She asked frowning at me.

"I asked Uncle and he said it's not like that and you heard how Shrishti reacted." I replied and she slowly nodded.

"Another bad thing is that he is one of the board member's friend's son and that board member always tried to bring trouble for me all this time." I continued rubbing my forehead.

"Talk to her again but don't give direct suggestions. She must not know what is happening between GH and NK agencies." She pointed out and I nodded sighing before leaning back on the couch.

"Did Anny calm down?" I asked glancing at her and she nodded without saying anything about it.

I messaged about the matter to Prathap and asked him to contact her before putting my phone away on the table.

"Tomorrow our application will be submitted." I whispered staring at her and she nodded again without saying anything.

"Kanika! I realized what I did at that time regarding your entry into GH is not right and..." She cut me off asking, "Had your breakfast?"

"Kanika!" I called her name again and she finally turned to glance at me with a tired expression.

"Don't ask me to change my mind because this didn't happen just because of one incident. If we don't do this now, then we both will get more hurt later which I don't want to happen." She stated and I frowned at her words.

"I never thought of a relationship and I am not just saying this. I really didn't want to have any relationships and not get close to others much. However, I changed that thought because of you. And I don't know whether I will ever get close to someone else ever in my life as I did with you." She explained looking at me.

"So, this could be my last chance to be in a relationship but still I want to get a divorce before everything gets messed up." She added sighing and glanced at her watch.

"Today I will be shifting to Anitha's place." Saying that she moved to stand up but I held her hand before she could move.

When she talked about moving out of the house, I couldn't stop myself and pulled her closer to me and she stared at me silently without giving any shocked reaction.

I leaned close to kiss her but she covered my mouth with her hand whispering, "Do that when you really like..."

I cut her off by pushing her hand away and stated, "I really like you!"

The Aftermath... (Tale of Schemes #4)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα