Chapter 33

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*Vikranth Pov*

That night now just the thoughts of my Dad but also the anticipation of Kanika returning tomorrow and having a talk with her kept me awake but I drifted off into sleep knowing well that I have to be alert tomorrow.

I have been waiting for her return and thinking about what to tell her and also thinking about what will she say as she just left a note saying we will talk after she returns.

Without knowing, there was a sense of panic but I want to tell about my thoughts to her. After confirming near Dad about my feelings, I felt it was better to confirm more with her and also promise that there was no need for her to change her wishes.

I will work hard on fulfilling her wishes and work hard on myself. With those thoughts, I got ready to leave for the airport but stopped when I found Meghana calling my phone.

"Hello?" I asked picking up.

"I thought you would go to the airport and so informing you ahead. Kanika returned early this morning and she is already working right now. So, you can come directly to Kana instead of going to the airport." She explained and I frowned hearing her words.

Why didn't she call or message that she returned? I thanked her and was about to cut the call but she called my name and said, "It's just... it feels weird."

"Huh?" I was confused by her words.

"You will understand when you come here. I also informed Anny and she is also on the way." With those words, she cut the call.

I glanced at the phone with a frown but put it in my pocket to walk out of the house. As I reached the building, I found Prathap's car already parked there.

I walked inside and found Prathap sitting on the couch talking to Nitish. They both nodded at me and gestured me Kanika's cabin saying, "Those three are talking and you can join them."

"Brother!" a voice called me and I turned to find Uday rushing towards me with a grin.

"If you didn't support me, it would have taken long for me to escape and meet Kanika today." He grinned and I nodded not caring about his words as my mind was filled with the anticipation to see her and talk to her.

"I think Kanika is tired. She didn't smile when I greeted her today morning." Uday continued and I nodded again.

"She went there to work. If she is not tired, then what else should she feel? Refreshing?" We heard a sarcastic tone and found Meghana walking towards us.

"And I asked you to do a work but you are here chitchatting. You left all the work yesterday and now you are again wasting time." She scolded him while he just scoffed.

"Who was the one yesterday desperately wanting me to stay? See your attitude after my problem is solved." Even though he said those words, when she glared at him, he rushed away to finish the work.

"I don't know what got into her. She is working without pausing from the moment she came here. Take her away and get her to rest." I nodded after which she returned to her cabin.

After a few minutes, Kanika's cabin door opened and I stood straight making Prathap and Nithish chuckle but I just ignored them.

However, I just found Anny and Shrishti walking out with frowns covering their faces. I felt now there was something definitely wrong.

I didn't ask them and just walked towards the door before entering the cabin. She didn't even glance up and drew on the paper before her.

"Kanika!" I called her name and she just hmmed and continued to draw.

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