Chapter 31

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*Vikranth Pov*

'We will talk after I come back from the trip.' I continued to stare at the slip from morning and tried to remember what happened yesterday night.

No name is written on the slip but I know it is from her. The worst thing is I don't even remember she was there yesterday night.

I took out my phone to call her and ask directly but hesitated thinking what if it is something worse? Is it better to listen to it this early?

Maybe I can work on a few things by the time she returns so that I can prove that she will not be disappointed to be with me.

I sighed putting the slip back into my wallet and prepared for the meeting with the team I assigned to take care of a few things from my list.

"Sir, Mohan Sir sent a message that he would like to see you." Jay said after the meeting is over.

I nodded directly getting into the elevator to reach Uncle's floor. When I entered his room, I found Pramod Uncle also sitting there with him.

"Vikranth! The meeting is over?" Mohan Uncle asked while gesturing to the seat.

I nodded sitting down but didn't say anything realizing something happened. Did they tell them about my past? No! They wouldn't do that like this.

I know everyone needs to know but I don't have the courage to face them and tell them everything.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as they both stayed silent.

"Do you remember Nitish's father?" Mohan Uncle asked and I nodded frowning.

"I heard a rumor that he is trying to get involved with GH. He is meeting a few people important for GH along with Girish." He explained.

"He threatened us that time and I was angry but didn't care about it. However, it seems he will end up causing trouble for you." Mohan Uncle said sighing with an apologetic look.

"It's not because of them, Uncle! I threatened him long back and his ego must have got hurt." I explained not wishing to see his expression like this.

"Are you sure Nitish is really not here to attack us? You involved him with the GH agency. What if he is here under his Father's plan?" Pramod Uncle asked looking at me.

"Shrishti is praising him every day near me. I told her to just rest after finishing her work. But she is coming near me every evening and just talking about Nitish to get my acceptance. She is already entering the seventh month but she is worried about that man." Mohan Uncle complained.

"Because of his Father only, we didn't ask about marriage again. If she gets married and falls into a trap legally then we can't help her out." He added rubbing his face.

"What should we do, Vikranth? Is there any way to check him?" Pramod Uncle asked glancing at me.

I stared at them and stopped myself from saying the words that I will handle the matter and that I will take responsibility.

"You can talk to him, Uncle!" I said looking at Mohan Uncle.

"What?" he asked glancing up.

"He is Shrishti's partner and they are together now. They will also have a baby soon and so that makes him your family. You can talk to him directly and find out." I replied and he nodded hearing those words.

"I will go then?" I asked standing up and they both nodded after which I walked out of the room and then took a deep breath.

It is more difficult than I thought to speak like that. All these years I just remember saying I will handle it but this time it feels weird to say those things.

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