Chapter 28

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*Kanika Pov*

"You can go for today. There is no more work." I said glancing at Uday after he finished the last task I gave him.

Surprisingly, he followed instructions very well and didn't complain about the work for a second.

How can he be like this? Wasn't he raised like an heir to GH? From his Mother's actions, it seems like that only. Even though the way he talked to me was good, I didn't have any hope for him to do this menial work.

"You also finished, Kanika?" He asked staring at me with a smile.

I know if others are here, I would have asked them to not call me like that but I already know him, why pressure any kind of work seniority when I am fine with hearing him calling my name?

"I have some more work but you can leave." I replied as I need to edit things for a bit before going today.

"Then I will wait for you in case you need anything or bring food for you if you work till late." Saying that he walked out of the cabin and I just sighed thinking what kind of mess will be created when his Mother finds out about all this.

As I continued to work, I heard a knock and glanced up to find Meghana entering the cabin. I didn't give a second glance and just worked.

I can hear her pulling a chair and sitting down before asking, "Is he working properly?"

"You hired him with your professional view, so of course he is working properly." I replied not looking up.

"I know! I was petty for not consulting you ahead but this is not at all for revenge. Only not consulting you was revenge." She said and I ignored her words.

If she wants to talk about work, then I will give her full attention. However, she continued to talk even though I didn't glance up.

"You know how I don't have trust with strangers entering our cabins as I was already burned once with betrayal. That's why I never hired any assistant for my sake also. However, I can't see you overworking yourself and can't help you because of other work. As I was hesitating about hiring someone, he came knocking on our doors by himself. I didn't consult him after hearing your words but he was persistent. And then I started thinking about him." I tried to concentrate completely as I want to finish soon and leave.

"So, I interviewed him first and felt he is good and also he doesn't have any reason to betray us as he is the cousin of Vikranth. However, seeing you worry about Vikranth, I gave him a call to inform him before hiring Uday." My fingers paused on the keyboard hearing her last words.

"What?" I asked glancing up to stare at her in shock.

"Yeah! I informed him about Uday and then told him about the reasons I want to hire him but also added on how you are against it for his sake. Then after a pause he said, I can hire Uday and need not worry about anything else as he will handle it." She explained but I couldn't believe a word of it.

"Really! I didn't inform you today morning well because I was being petty. Also, I asked him to inform you to earn some points with you and solve any issues you both had. But he asked me to inform myself and not worry you." She added sighing.

I just stared at her in silence trying to take in all that information. Vikranth said those words? He really said that? Wasn't he the one who does everything to not let his Dad get subjected to any kind of issue?

When Uday's Mother finds this, then the issue will be huge than the last time. And last time Vikranth reacted as usual blaming me for talking to Uday. But now... how... I tried to think of a reason and I can just come up with only one.

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