Chapter 7

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*Vikranth Pov*

"Congratulations!" I said taking the invitation from his hands still feeling shocked to hear his genuine tone.

"I know you are busy but hope you can attend my anniversary." With those words, he walked off while I glanced at Mohan Uncle in confusion.

"He is thinking he has power now equal to you as his friend is Shrishti's in-laws now." Uncle explained and I nodded understanding his words.

Girish is finally behaving like a normal director of the company and even working towards its betterment of it instead of just trying to bring me down all the time.

"Are you going?" Uncle asked and I shook my head saying I have other things to do.

"Even Pramod and Ashok are not attending. I will attend as Shrishti's in-laws are going to attend. You go ahead with your work." Saying that he walked out of the cabin and I dropped the invitation card away from my files and started checking the progress reports of Shrishti and Prathap.

Shrishti's new branch is really doing well but her main branch sales reduced a bit compared to the previous time.

I let it be and glanced at Prathap's files and found everything is going well. After keeping everything away, I continued to do my work and paused receiving a message from Kanika.

'I am shifting to the new place today. I will be coming over to the house to get my things.'

Today? I frowned and gave her a call as she didn't tell me yesterday this matter when I went to meet her near the hotel.

"Hello!" she greeted picking up the call.

"Why the sudden decision?" I asked checking the time to see whether I can leave now.

"Meghana and I are planning to open the company next week with a ceremony and for that, it is better to be closer to the place. I found out that everything is already done and so shifting today." She replied and started talking with someone near her.

"I will be there soon." Saying that I stood up and she stopped me saying, "No need! You continue with your work and I will make sure they don't approach your room."

"I am not coming because of that." I stated frowning at her words.

"I know! I will meet you in the evening after you finish with your work." Saying that she cut the call and I sighed sitting down.

"Sir, can I take a half day leave?" I glanced up hearing Jay's voice.

"For what?" I asked continuing my work as I don't want to go and disturb her against her wishes.

"Kanika asked for help regarding the moving van and I offered to help her with this. So, can I?" my fingers paused on the keyboard after hearing those words.

"She allowed you to go and help?" I asked without looking at him and continued to stare at the system screen.

"Yes! However, she asked me to make sure you are fine with me going, Sir." He replied and I took a deep breath before nodding at him.

I messaged him about a detail I forgot to mention when he asked for the leave. After that, I concentrated on my work.

He already has an assistant who can be here for any emergency and so I let him go without saying a word.

After finishing the work in the evening, I drove to the house and found no one is there and even checked the rooms she used which are wide open and empty except for the things that were already there before she used them.

I checked the time to find its already past seven and I don't know whether I should go to her new place as she must be busy arranging her things.

So, after freshening up, I stayed in the study room to work on the remaining things and suddenly heard footsteps approaching the room.

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