Chapter 22

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*Kanika Pov*

"What happened?" Anitha asked looking at me.

"Why am I running away? What mistake have I done to run away?" I asked staring back at her with a frown.

She opened her mouth and closed with a confused expression before saying, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why am I..." Shrishti cut me off saying, "You are not running away. You are just leaving to have lunch with your friends."

I glanced at her and remembered the excuse that I gave those people earlier while leaving. That was just an excuse which we all know and this is not even the time I take a lunch break.

"I am running away!" I stated and somehow I am unable to accept that.

She is the one who left me and she is the one who didn't keep her promise and now she is the one showing those expressions.

Why was she even showing that she was hurt by my words? I could have shouted at her or blamed her but I just don't want to deal with her because I have my own family with Anitha and... But she was the one showing that she was shocked to see me and happy to see me and sad to hear my words. How can she do all this when she was the one who left me?

"I need to go and deal with it." I said moving my hand to open the door but paused hearing Nitish's words.

"You need not have to deal with it and even if you are running away, it doesn't matter. Not wishing to be in the presence of some people is not a wrong thing to do. No need to stress yourself or push yourself too much about it." He pointed out and I continued to stare at the door after hearing his words.

"I will go and talk to her." I said confirming my stance.

"Why? Why hurt yourself? Let's deal with her later or you need not deal with her at all if you don't to." Anitha said holding my hand.

"No! I have to deal with today itself so that she doesn't come to disturb me all the time. I can't even block her from coming as she is... she is Meghana's... I can't block her. So, I will deal with all this today." Saying that I opened the door.

As I walked back into the building, I found her sitting on the couch while covering her face and the two people are consoling her.

Meghana glanced up hearing the sound and froze before calling my name which made the other two glance up.

She immediately stood up to walk towards me but I stopped her while holding my hand. I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say.

I just told them that I will deal with it but what should I say to deal with it? I had many words in my head for all these years whenever I imagine meeting her again.

Now? I don't have any words and I don't even have the heart to ask her why she left me with that man.

"Why? Why are you upset?" I asked staring at her face.

I finally asked her why but not to know the actual question that I always wanted to ask. I stepped closer to her and saw tears in her eyes but they never fell.

I know that she wouldn't cry and even those tears are surprising. I have seen her getting hit by that monster so many times but she never cried... except when she left me.

So, I never minded that she left me because I know the torture she was going through because of him. I didn't blame her at all for that and I didn't blame her for not returning later.

However, I was hurt and wanted to ask her why didn't she take me with her. Was I not a good kid? I didn't ask for anything and I always listened to her. Then why was I not taken when she left?

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