Chapter 15

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*Kanika Pov*

Again! I thought looking at the back of Vikranth who is entering the study room with the elders.

Nitish is elder than Vikranth and Shrishti is not that younger than Vikranth but why does he have to be responsible for dealing with this matter?

Those three are elders and can't they just decide on what to do instead of always involving Vikranth and making him feel responsible no matter what happens in the three families?

I rubbed my forehead thinking I know I am stretching this minor issue as Vikranth is happy to do all this but still I just feel how it would have been if he was raised normally like Prathap and Shrishti.

"Kanika! I got promoted recently and will also be a manager soon." I glanced at Uday who leaned over to whisper those words.

"Congratulations!" I said and didn't continue to say anything.

I know he is not a bad person but I still remember how he made me a scapegoat for his actions and also I want to stay as far away as possible from all these people except for Vikranth and his friends.

"Don't cry, Shrishti! The doctor asked you to care for your health." Nitish comforted Shrishti and she calmed down but I can see worry on her face.

I don't blame Mohan Uncle for his reaction at all. I have seen how much he cares for her and he even showed care for me. He is a good father figure but now when he found the issue, he must be devastated.

"Why did you think you deserve all those things, Shrishti?" Leela Aunty suddenly asked looking at her and Shrishti immediately glanced at me.

I stared back at her but didn't say anything as it is not my place to stop her or encourage her to say anything.

"Didn't you act badly towards Kanika and Anny because of me? I felt I should bear the consequences of Nitish's Mom's behavior towards me because of Lisa. Also, didn't I act wrong toward Kanika previously? I felt I deserve actions of Lisa. However, Kanika said we both are not like them and were not evil towards her and I shouldn't think like that. She said even she never took a step forward when we stepped forward to forget all this and so she asked me to not compare myself with Lisa and you with Nitish's Mom." She explained and I just stared at her in shock along with everyone else.

I didn't expect her to be this blunt knowing well Leela Aunty will get hurt after hearing those words. Why did she say all those words?

"Aunty! I am not blaming you because I am the reason for your actions. I am just saying that Kanika and Anny didn't deserve all those. I know you love Anny now like your own daughter but Kanika also deserves your care." She continued and I glanced at Anitha who is already staring at me.

My reason for staring at her is because my eyes are misting while she is staring at me with a surprised look.

She moved to sit beside me at the place which is vacant now after Vikranth left and she held my hand in support.

I gave her a reassuring smile and then glanced at Shrishti saying, "You already apologized long back and I didn't lie when I said you are nowhere similar to Lisa."

"I know! But at that time I just felt like that." Shrishti mumbled.

I sighed and thought of getting up to leave as the atmosphere became awkward after those words were uttered by Shrishti.

"I am sorry, Kanika! I know it is late for the past to erase but I want to apologize again. I didn't hate you in the past at all and was just overly worried. I know you are not attending any of the events under GH or family functions because of me. You are the wife of Vikranth and you deserve to be in all those events more than me. If you are feeling uncomfortable because of my presence, I will stop attending and you can attend them peacefully. However, I still want to know you more properly this time without any kind of wrongful thinking and be close to you not just because of Vikranth but also because of Anny who considers you as her important family member." I blinked at Leela Aunty hearing those words and my mind went blank seeing her tears.

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