Chapter 36

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*Vikranth Pov*

"I will go back then." Hearing her voice I snapped out of my thoughts and immediately asked her to stay back.

"I need to go to work early and you also seem busy right now." She said taking her bag from the couch and I immediately moved to hug her from behind apologizing which she cut off saying she was not complaining.

Even though she said that she understood, I felt guilty about how I got lost in my thoughts for most of the night.

I really want to share everything with her but even I am not sure how to even think about all these things.

After reaching her place, I said I would stay back but she didn't agree saying I need to concentrate on my work.

I wanted to tell her that it was not about my work but I just nodded at her words. She assured me again that she was not upset and all I could was promise that I would tell her everything soon.

As she walked into the building, I waited there until the light in her flat got turned on. And then drove off directly to Anny's place tightening my grip on the steering wheel.

After parking the car, I didn't step out and just messaged Nitish to come out of the house. He immediately replied he will and I sat there waiting for him.

Within a few minutes, he stepped out of the house and walked towards the car while looking behind to make sure no one was following.

"What is Shrishti doing?" I asked the moment he sat inside the car.

"She is taking rest. What is it?" He asked not even looking at me.

"Do you know this person?" I asked passing my phone to him and kept looking at his expression.

His eyes twitched but he shook his head saying, "I don't know! Who is it?"

"Don't know! I thought you may know and that's why I asked you." Saying that I took my phone back from his hands and trying to control my anger.

"So, you want to marry Shrishti? Are you upset that she didn't accept?" I asked glancing at him.

"I am not upset! After what happened, she needs some time to accept me back with complete trust that I will not let others trouble her again." He replied and this time he looked normal.

"Well, all you need to do is to not break her trust." I pointed out and he nodded clearing his throat.

"Is there anything else?" He asked checking his phone.

"How is work? Are you completely settled now?" I asked trying to find any reason for the doubts that were now in my head.

"Yeah! Anny doesn't need a manager except for extreme situations. She is very easy to manage." He replied glancing at me.

"Should I get other artists to be managed under you?" I asked to which he shook his head.

"No one would like that. Most of them hate me and others don't trust me. An artist and manager should be comfortable otherwise it will be troublesome." He replied and I nodded without saying anything in return.

After a few seconds, I informed him I will go back and he nodded getting down from the car.

I stopped him before he closed the door saying, "If you betray her trust again, there will never be another chance and you can forget about the baby also."

He just stared at me before closing the door and I drove off feeling more frustrated after talking to him.

When I reached home, Jay messaged the details of the person saying that he is none other than the personal assistant of Nitish's father.

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