Chapter 47

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*Meghana Pov*

"Don't be nervous!" I took a deep breath when Kanika patted my shoulder.

"I am not nervous." I stated without looking at her.

"Right!" I heard a sarcastic tone from Uday who tagged along with us.

"Shut up! I will drop you here itself on the road if you say anything." I warned while holding my hands tightly.

"We did everything on time and there were no mistakes. This project will be ours." Kanika assured me again.

"Are you sure? You were preoccupied with your clingy person." I commented glancing at her and shifted my eyes to stare at the person sitting beside her.

"I didn't disturb her work at all." He commented without looking up from his laptop.

"He really didn't!" Kanika promised and I sighed looking away to stare at the window.

I am not actually complaining about it. I am glad they both cleared their issues even though it never felt like they had any with the way they behaved.

I just want to win this project without fail because of my selfish reasons. I didn't want to put any pressure on Kanika but I really want to be selfish.

It was sweet of her to not complain and understand me. So, if we really didn't get it, I will not say anything. However, that doesn't mean I will not feel nervous until I know the result.

Finally, we reached the building and we walked into it. I felt a bottle touching my hands and turned to find Uday passing the water bottle.

"Thanks!" I whispered holding it and not opening it.

"What? Want to use it later on judges if they don't select us?" he commented and I rolled my eyes but calmly took a sip from it.

We found our table and sat down. Even though Vikranth is here to be clingy with Kanika, he can have his own space as he is the major investor of the brand after Kanika.

"If you are busy, you can go back. I heard there is a meeting in the afternoon." I heard Kanika's voice.

"I am not busy! I am just finishing my work now so that I can have time to celebrate with you later." His words were comforting me also.

I mean, the great businessman is saying my brand will get this. Of course, I am turning a blind eye to the fact that he is just being a supportive husband... or boyfriend.

"The jerk is here." Uday whispered and I glanced at him in surprise.

"How do you know?" I asked to which he shrugged.

"When you told me the importance of this project, I researched a bit. That's what a future manager should do, right?" he asked back.

"Future manager? Who said you will be that?" I rolled my eyes and my mind finally settled because of these people.

"Han!" I heard a voice I didn't want to hear at all but also wished to hear sounding like a sound from loser.

"Go to your seat, Mister." Uday stood up stopping anyone from approaching us and because of the Host announcement, that person walked away.

"I will definitely hire you as my bodyguard." I commented when Uday sat down.

"You need a bodyguard to fight one person?" He snorted and held the table tightly.

"So, you are also nervous?" I asked glancing at him.

"Yeah! After seeing the smug looks on the faces of the people with him, I want to wipe them off." He answered and I sighed patting his hand.

The next few minutes, I don't know how the time passed and my breath hitched when it was time for the result.

Suddenly, I felt all the tension leaving me and I turned to hug Kanika tightly whispering, "Thank you! Thank you!"

I repeatedly thanked her again and again without stopping. If not for her reaching me, I would have just retired and gone to some stupid place to lead a stupid life.

Because of her, my passion for designing was revived and because of her, I dreamt of this. I hugged her tighter until I felt a glare passing me.

I opened my teary eyes to find Vikranth showing displeasure at me. I chuckled letting go of Kanika and turned to hug Uday who was vibrating with happiness.

After finishing the formalities, we moved to leave but got blocked by that person with his few brand people among whom the assistant who betrayed me is also there.

They really don't have the smug looks anymore. And so to make it up, I placed a smug look on my face.

"What is it?" I asked staring at the person.

"Congratulations!" He greeted and I snorted nodding at him.

"Did you see the person with them? He is Mr. Vikranth and maybe they cheated..." before those words can continue, I turned to glare at them.

"We won because of this person." I said holding Kanika's hand.

"She is my student who learned my teachings which even you all did. But none of you respected me or my teachings and never had any talent to begin with. You all were like hollow vessels where my teachings got wasted. But she is a magical vessel where my teachings stayed live and got better. So, I will not hear such disregard of her talent again and I will not back down at all." I warned with a hard stare and then glanced at the man before me.

"Don't worry! Next time find someone else to sleep with to win projects and fame for your dad as usual. People should use what they have, right?" I said smiling at him and then walked off with my people.

"Damn! If I was him, I wouldn't come out of the house ever again." Uday laughed getting into the car.

Kanika continued to held my hand saying, "You were amazing."

"Because of you!" I said smiling back at her.

"Will you get into trouble if they really pass comments like that?" I asked looking at Vikranth.

"I am not working for just a year or two. The business world knows me to even accuse me of such things." He replied and I nodded feeling relief.

"I am checking at the restaurant that recently opened. We will have lunch there?" Uday asked opening his phone.

"We both will go there and let the love birds go on their own." I commented glancing at Kanika who is talking to Vikranth.

"No need! I will get down on the way. I have a meeting and you three celebrate it together." Vikranth said nodding at me.

He is really talking too much these days. Love can do so many things but he was in love with her for so long. So, maybe something else can do so many things. I thought with a smirk and then glanced at Uday who was brimming with happiness.

"Then let us celebrate for getting the project and also for getting a manager." I commented.

"What? Did you hire someone? I thought I would at least get a chance to show talent." Uday said sighing.

"Okay! I will learn from the manager and will definitely show that I can be one too." He added before I could react.

"Idiot! It's you! Driver, please go to the address he will show you." Saying that I leaned back on the seat with freshness in my heart.

There doesn't seem like any burden in my mind and everything feels so good. I messaged Landen and Aunty about the result and then spent a wonderful day with these two.


I didn't forget Meghana... this project was being worked by Kanika recently and it was mentioned a few times and this will be the end of Meghana's past... I thought of writing a separate story for her but then thought it is better to use the concept some other time with new characters and with some difference... Now, there will be closures for three couples and sweet moments that's all...

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