Chapter 6

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*Kanika Pov*

"Where are you going?" I adjusted a safety pin to my saree and turned around to glance at Meghana who walked out of her room.

"My friend is opening a restaurant today and I have to attend the ceremony." I replied and turned back to adjust my hair and accessories.

"Oh! The friend you talked to me about?" She continued and I shook my head saying it is my best friend's boyfriend.

"Is that why you are especially wearing a saree? I have always seen you wearing kurta and jeans normally." She asked with a curious tone.

"I am comfortable in them and also need not spend too much on that style of clothing. I wear Sarees for special occassions." I explained.

"You should wear more sarees. You look really good in them and also your height is an advantage." She complimented and I turned around to stare at her to see whether she is teasing me.

"Really?" I asked her as she is staring at me with a serious expression.

"Yes! Your waist and hip are getting highlighted in these. If I ever make a show to present sarees then I would definitely choose you as my model. You can believe me as I never give fake compliments." She explained and I turned around again to stare at myself in the mirror but it feels normal only and not like what she is saying.

But... but I know Vikranth is very specific about sarees a few times. I smiled at that thought and cleared my throat to thank her.

"Your husband never complimented you?" She frowned as I got ready completely.

"He requests me to wear sarees during occassions." She gave a teasing look hearing those words.

I never thought I would like wearing sarees as it is a painful memory for me but now I can't believe I am fine with all this.

Somehow, the past no longer matters about this. I was about to drive the car but my phone started ringing.

"Vikranth?" I asked lifting the call thinking maybe he is here to pick me up.

"Kanika! The meeting is still going on and I will be late if I don't start from here immediately. Can you bring one suit for me that you designed?" He requested.

"Okay!" I replied and then he cut the call thanking me.

I drove towards his place and unlocked the door using the earlier passcode. I walked directly into my previous study room and took out another suit I designed.

After taking it, I drove to Prathap's new restaurant address and found Anitha and Prathap talking at the entrance but it seems more like her scolding him.

"What happened?" I asked reaching them.

"Look at his suit! I told him to not diet with me but he followed me and lost his muscle which is making this suit so bad on him. Today is his important day and how can he look like this." Anitha complained.

"It doesn't matter!" Prathap commented but she glared at him.

"It's okay! I will adjust it for him." I said calming her down.

Prathap immediately got someone to get my emergency kit from the car and we both reached the top floor of the building while Anitha left to care for her guests.

As I opened the kit, Shrishti walked in asking, "Why are you letting Anny do your work? She is a celebrity if you forgot."

He handed his coat to me and calmly explained what happened as I worked on his coat to adjust the size a bit. She then called her fiance and I frowned listening to her conversation.

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