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"what're you doing-"

"shit- i did not hear you come in," donghyuck gasped, leant over the hotel bath, washing his hair, "what does it look like."

"alright, sassy. why now? it's like, eleven.." mark asked, leant against the door frame, watching the boy.

"because i wanted to?"

"jesus, what's up your ass?!" mark chuckled in shock, throwing a towel at donghyuck as he stood up.

donghyuck dried his hair in the mirror, smiling at himself, "nothing!"

"just you, yeah?" mark smiled back at the reflection, as he span around and headed out of the bathroom.

mark stuck his leg out, in aim to trip the boy, but not enough to injure him.

donghyuck stumbled out of the room, spinning on his heels and glaring at the canadian, "you're asking for it, lee."

mark giggled, entering the bathroom fully, grabbing something before leaving again, "what am i asking for? what are you offering?"

donghyuck ignored him childishly, peering out of the window.

he noticed someone. a familiar someone.

"hey, asshole. who's that?"

mark ran up behind him, slapping his hands on his shoulders, making donghyuck whine.

"johnny, no?"

"mm. thought so," donghyuck nodded, walking towards the bed and sitting down, as mark remained at the window, "what, are you in love with him?"

mark rolled his eyes, sitting on the couch, "i'm gonna check on him."

"you already did~" donghyuck whined, "just let him be soppy. talk to ten or something."

mark shook his head, "once more, then i'll leave it. he needs to give a reason as to why he's being an ass to you, hyuck."

donghyuck felt a small smile rise on his face, and his heart feel happy. he'd never had someone protect him like this before. he kinda liked it.


mark: hyung

mark: ur outside?

johnny: yea

mark: what r u doing it's late and cold

mark: raining too

johnny: just having a 🚬 break

mark: ahh

mark: you okay? you should probably do that somewhere where you're less visible yk

johnny: u cant smoke in hotel rooms mark. this is the next best place

johnny: no one's gonna see me here

mark: i can see u ...

johnny: drop it.

mark: alright!

mark: do u need company ??

johnny: do you?

mark: i asked first

johnny: i dont mind :)

mark: me and hyuck can come hang w u for a bit????

johnny: if u want.


"what?!" donghyuck whined, being pulled up by the hand by mark, "i have no shoes on!"

"put slippers on. c'mon."

"oh my god"


"dont get too close. i dont want you breathing it in." johnny sighed, as mark and donghyuck approached him outside, stood by a wall under a shelter from the rain.

"it'll do worse for you than it will us-" donghyuck started, leaning against the wall with a sigh.

"dont start. i've already had taeyong on my dick for this." johnny laughed, putting out the cigarette on the wall before coughing and standing up straight again, "i dunno why you came down. i was going back in soon."

mark shrugged, smiling, "whats up?"

johnny glared at mark, sighing when he knew mark wouldn't let him just go back inside, "i dont wanna talk about it, mark. i told you."

"you've not wanted to tell us anything for the ten years you've known us, hyung!" mark frowned, meanwhile donghyuck still owned a blank expression.

johnny sighed, nodding slowly in defeat as he noticed donghyuck's upset body language and lack of.... donghyuck-ness..

"i'm just.. stressed," johnny nodded, "that's all. i have my own problems, and i'm dealing with them."

"yeah, well maybe you should find better ways to deal with them.." donghyuck spat, sighing and dropping to the floor with a squat.

mark watched donghyuck for a moment, his heart cracking as the boy didnt dare look in johnny's direction.


mark went to place his hand on johnny's shoulder, before the man jolted away from his touch.

"no, mark," johnny frowned, not taking his eyes from donghyuck, "what do you mean, donghyuck?"

if he was honest, donghyuck was scared in this moment. he felt johnny's glare so strong, as the silence got louder and louder.

mark was already fed up. he moved closer to donghyuck, just incase there was the need to physically protect him from the man towering over him.

"im just saying," donghyuck spoke slowly, standing up and using mark's body to pull him up the whole way, before keeping his arm around him, "we're not- i'm not a punching bag, johnny."

johnny was confused, but didnt have enough mental energy to ask anymore.

the vibe was awkward now, as donghyuck let go of the canadian who stood with his shoulder infront of him, "you've been a bit of a prick, hyung, and i'm sorry, but it's pissing me off."

mark put his hand on the younger's lower back, as if to congratulate him.

"i dont-" johnny rubbed his eyes, slightly frustrated, "i havent done anything, donghyuck."

donghyuck nodded slowly, before leaving mark's hold and walking towards the hotel entrance.

johnny sighed, watching donghyuck leave and mark's eyes follow him too.

"you should talk to him." mark said, monotoned voice, as johnny let his head roll back, looking up to the roof of the shelter.

"i just did, no?"

"no, you didnt," mark laughed sadly, "have a conversation with him. understand what he means."

"gonna be honest mark, i've got things to deal with first."

"deal with them then, hyung," mark whined, "please."

donghyuck: dont waste ur time

donghyuck: come back up

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