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donghyuck: jun i am a disgusting attempt of a man

renjun: ugh 

renjun: it's 11pm what have you done now

donghyuck: if mark doesnt find a way to have s*x with me in the next week ...

donghyuck: im gonna end up.. idek

donghyuck: i am DISGUSTING

renjun: hyuck 😭

donghyuck: idec if yang sees this

renjun: he's not over ur safe

donghyuck: but i told him i was sick so he couldnt come to my room

donghyuck: im not sick renjun i am just HORNY

renjun: yeah?

renjun: awesome news

renjun: made my day


donghyuck: im gonna lose my mind.


donghyuck: hey what are you doing now

mark: i thought you were getting sleep early

donghyuck: nah

donghyuck: do u wanna come here??

mark: do you feel better?

mark: i'll bring you pills if u need

mark: but yeah ill come if u want me to..

donghyuck: im fine 😭 i dont need anything i promise

mark: :(

mark: i'm gonna bring you tea

donghyuck: 😭😭 okay baby

mark: ... baby 😨

donghyuck: hurry up or ill go to sleep

mark: OMW


mark opened the door, and could barely even see donghyuck's bed, let alone the boy himself. he scoffed, before turning on the light.

"mark!!~" donghyuck whined, making the older laugh, "dim the light, please. i'm gonna get a migraine."

mark obliged, before shutting the door behind him and trodding towards the bed. he took slow steps, as he hadn't mastered walking with a mug full of tea.

"could you be any slower."

"i'll spill it otherwise!" mark complained, finally reaching donghyuck's side table and placing it careful, "why do you want me so bad~"

oh, donghyuck wished he knew

mark chuckled, realising how it was phrased then shaking his head, before climbing into donghyuck's bed.

he only now realised the boy was only in shorts, but giving how he woke up the other day, he thought it was fair.

he wasn't going to complain about the way it made donghyuck's torso feel, so tiny as he wrapped his arms around it.

"you're very hot," mark commented as donghyuck curled into mark's body, "i mean- temperature wise-"

donghyuck giggled, nodding.

it was weird

it was weird how this was normal for them now. mark was holding donghyuck's waist so lovingly, and it wasn't awkward for them to instantly get into this position.

"mm, mark," donghyuck mumbled, to which mark responded with a small 'hm?', "turn around. let me..."

mark smiled, obeying almost instantly. he loved being the little spoon, and was not ashamed of it.

"goodnight~" donghyuck whispered against his neck. he felt the canadian shiver slightly, making him smile.

"oh- okay- goodnight-"

cingulomania ~ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now