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donghyuck: bro where are you

mark: practice room

donghyuck: ur avoiding me 🙄

donghyuck: im alone in YOUUR bed rn

donghyuck: wait

donghyuck: what are you doing

mark: m practicing

donghyuck: we have practice later

donghyuck: its 9am why are you practicing mark

mark: i wanted to practice a bit .

mark: i think i need a lil bit more work on the choreo

mark: i can get you breakfast on the way back if you want it

donghyuck: :(

donghyuck: its fine

donghyuck: i'm coming to you and i'll get breakfast for us on the way

donghyuck: you havent eaten yet?

mark: no

donghyuck: oh mark

donghyuck: ok ill be on my way asap

donghyuck: stop practicing for a bit you need to eat something

mark: ok


"honestly mark, you know the choreography better than me. if there's anyone who should be praciting, it should be me," donghyuck sighed, as he sat on the floor against the wall, watching the boy repeat the same parts of the dance over, and over again, "c'mon, man."

he'd been watching him for a while now, after getting him to eat some of the food he'd bought in. he could see the latter getting frustrated at himself, and donghyuck was honestly on the verge of grabbing him and forcing him to stop.

"you've got it 100% correct. if you keep changing it, you'll get it wrong and then you will look dumb," donghyuck complained, "just leave it for now, yeah? go over it with taeyong if you're that stressed about it.."

"i dont- i just- there's something-"

donghyuck jumped onto his feet, before grabbing mark from behind, wrapping his arms tight around him, "genuinely, mark. stop-"

mark groaned, tensing in donghyuck's hold before the boy pinched him, in an attempt to communicate.

"you're driving me crazy, mark. you're gonna be so exhausted, please, just stop," he sighed, rubbing the boy's side as he relaxed slightly, but still not enough, "talk to me about it."

he let go of mark, but held on to his wrist, pulling him down to where he sat before.

"i dont.. know."

donghyuck tilted his head as mark fell to the floor.

"i just. i think it's not the best it can be, hyuck!" mark whined, his head in his hands, "there's something, and i've just.. not got it."

donghyuck shook his head, "mark, you're fine. nothing i can notice, so its nothing the fans are gonna notice either!"

mark pouted, resting on donghyuck's shoulder, "okay.."

"chill out."


donghyuck: hey hyung

taeyong: hi!

donghyuck: can u talk to mark @ practice later?

donghyuck: he's really stressing himself out

donghyuck: i think he needs to hear it from someone that isnt himself or me

taeyong: oh? hear what

donghyuck: he's stressed abt something

taeyong: ah

taeyong: ok

taeyong: ill have a chat with him

donghyuck: thank you :(

taeyong: why are you thanking me

donghyuck: his stress is stressing me out LMAO

taeyong: 😭😭

cingulomania ~ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now