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"three days," taeyong spoke to mark, "comeback is in three days."

"mhm? i know," mark looked over, tying his shoe, worried, "why? what's up? i wasn't late today-"

taeyong's shoulders dropped at mark's charm, and his soft, worried stare, "it's fine! you weren't, i know you weren't.."

mark looked even more confused.

"you and donghyuck just disappeared a few nights ago," taeyong laughed, "wait until promotions have stopped. or atleast let us know."


taeyong shook his head, "it's okay. as long as you know," he walked behind mark to massage his shoulder, "we actually had a schedule that night, y'know."

"oh shit- really?" mark frowned, "im actually so sorry i didnt— donghyuck just went to dream's so i assumed we were free-" he explained.

taeyong rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"personally i'd say that was donghyuck's fault-"

"oh my god, mark, chill out," taeyong gasped, "and dont throw hyuck under the bus like that. that's mean."

the two laughed together as taeyong walked back infront of him.

"it's FINE. i managed to get you out of any- y'know. punishments or whatever," the man told him, "i told them you were practicing."

"thank you, hyung. i owe you my life, honestly."

taeyong smiled, nodding and messing the boy's hair, "yeah. you do."


mark was in his bedroom. is what donghyuck assumed when he hadn't joined everyone for a suddenly decided movie night.

he didnt mind. taeil and jaehyun hadn't joined them either. it just.. it wasnt very like him.

he missed him, too. they hadn't really spoken all day, due to practice in the morning, then mark had other things to do.

maybe he was tired. he'd be happy if he was resting, or asleep, but there's no doubt he'd be in his bedroom working on something.

donghyuck: markie

mark: hi 🥺

donghyuck: what are you doing?

mark: in my room

donghyuck: does not answer my question silly

mark: chillin

donghyuck: need company?

mark: arent u watchcing moviee?

donghyuck: are you drunk????? LOL

mark: no i am not drunk donghyuck 😭

donghyuck: alright!!

mark: no i dont need company

donghyuck: are u sure?? i can be there in a SECOND if u say yes

mark: no im fine

donghyuck: ok!! whatever floats ur boat ig

mark: wait

donghyuck: hm?? not going anywhere

mark: can we still talk? here? or r u watching movie?

donghyuck: the movie is shit ur good

donghyuck: are you okay?

donghyuck: ur vibe seems off

mark: im good!!

donghyuck: mark

mark: i'm not great

donghyuck: ur not? wanna talk about it?

mark: nope

donghyuck: that's fine

donghyuck: what do u wanna talk abt

mark: hm

mark: idk :(

donghyuck: i think you should sleep mark you've had a long day

mark: but its so early

donghyuck: hyung it's 10pm that is normal person bedtime

mark: 😭

mark: yeah i guess

mark: ok im gonna sleep

mark: enjoy the rest of the movie

mark: goodnight :D

donghyuck: im probably gna sleep soon too

donghyuck: but goodnight!!

donghyuck: <3

mark: :)


donghyuck: would it be weird if i just got in bed with mark while he slept

donghyuck: he's not doing too good

donghyuck: i think he'd appreciate it but i dont wanna be a weirdo

yangyang: i do that to jun all the time its not weird

donghyuck: ur dating him

yangyang: and ur not dating mark??

donghyuck: no yang, i'm not

donghyuck: ughthgth im :(

donghyuck: i wanted to spend some time with him anyways bcs we barely spoke today

donghyuck: but i asked him if he wanted company and he said no

yangyang: maybe he just wants alone time thats normal

donghyuck: UGH

donghyuck: its normal if ur not mark idk

donghyuck: ok im gonna do it but ill wait until later so i know he's defo asleep

donghyuck: this is so gross

donghyuck: its just

donghyuck: he seemed sad

donghyuck: i just wanna 🤲

renjun: shut up i want to sleep stop being gay yeah go spoon him whatever i support u goodnight

donghyuck: RENJUNN😭😭😭😭😭😭

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