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"you left your charger in my room," donghyuck said, walking into mark's bedroom without a knock, finding him laid on his bed on his stomach, kicking his legs like a teenage girl, "goddamn."

"what?!" mark retaliated, sitting up normally.

"who are you texting that's making you like that!?"  donghyuck teased, putting the charger on mark's table, before leaning against the wall with a smile.

"no one," mark smiled, leaning back against his bed, "wouldn't you like to know?"

donghyuck nodded, "i would, yeah. so i can tease you about it. kicking your legs and everything."

"leave me alone~" he whined, "i was texting ten."

"ten?!" donghyuck tilted his head, "him and johnny are good again, dont ruin it!"

mark glared at donghyuck, shaking his head, "not in that way. ten's not my type."

"why? i think ten is pretty.." donghyuck teased the boy more, "what about him aren't you into?"

"and i'm gonna ruin their relationship? want me to tell johnny you think his boyfriend is gorgeous?"

"didnt say that," donghyuck smirked, "and you didnt answer my question."

"i dunno, actually," mark shrugged, "if it's a genuine question, he's not really someone i'd usually go for."

donghyuck laughed softly, "what is your type? y'get bitches?"

"so many bitches. all of the bitches," mark nodded, as donghyuck slid down the wall, sitting on the floor, "i dont really know my type."

"who was the last person you dated?" donghyuck asked, a small smirk on his lips, wanting to find out all of the gossip.

"a few years ago i had a thing with this girl-" mark admitted, and donghyuck was amazed at how quickly he did so, "but like. company shit, so i gave up, y'know?"

donghyuck nodded, watching as mark spoke.

"i think my type is..." mark seemed to be really struggling with answering the question, which made donghyuck laugh quite a bit, "you know what- i'll get back to you on this."

donghyuck giggled, his head falling to his knees as he bought them close to his chest, "you're funny."

"you're mean. what about you?" mark asked, to which donghyuck gave a head tilt, "what's your type?"

"pretty guys."

mark pouted at donghyuck's immediate answer.

"that's so vague, hyuck~" mark whined, "if i knew that's all you were asking, i would've said something similar! i like pretty people..."

donghyuck smiled fondly at the boy, nodding slowly, "you still need to get back to me. i wanna know your in-depth answer.."

mark huffed, falling back onto his pillow.


renyang and the third wheel

donghyuck: what does it mean if you ask a possibly-not-straight straight boy what his type is, and he keeps saying 'people' and using they pronouns on these possible love interests

renjun: ...

yangyang: it means he's a bit... y'know

yangyang: different 💅

renjun: PLS

donghyuck: WHAT

donghyuck: idk how i should feel about it

donghyuck: idk if he could tell but i was asking these questions in a way to see if i could pry out any attraction towards guys

donghyuck: but all i got was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

donghyuck: i LiKe pREtTy pEOpLe SUCK MY DICKKKKK

yangyang: i'm sure you'd absolutely love that

donghyuck: im gonna leak ur comeback

renjun: donghyuck you dont have to know he likes men in order to kiss him

yangyang: ... what

yangyang: renjun my love, my light, love of my life

yangyang: you are always right, but what the fuck

donghyuck: yeah what

renjun: I MEANNN

renjun: donghyuck you like him right

renjun: ur not gonna admit it but obviously u like him a little

renjun: and he knows that YOU'RE gay

renjun: so if you assume that his behaviour is flirty and he wants what you want

renjun: you can act on it

renjun: and if he's like huh what no i dont want this

renjun: then communicate why you assumed he did

renjun: this makes no sense but you get it

yangyang: yes you're always right🧎‍♂️

renjun: im just saying that if he's gonna act like this, and not make a point that it's  a joke or it's platonic, he cant be surprised if he gets anything unwanted from it??

donghyuck: riiiiiight

donghyuck: im not assuming his behavior is flirty

donghyuck: it IS flirty

donghyuck: not normal straight man behaviour

donghyuck: yuta would not come into my room at 1am and cuddle me to sleep then wake up on my chest, playing with my hands

donghyuck: bleghh everytime i think abt it i wanna disappear

yangyang: surely yuta wasn't the best example of a straight man donghyuck but i get you

donghyuck: LMFAO

renjun: yeah yuta is as straight as mark

renjun: & yeah i agree mark is definitely being flirty

donghyuck: :[

renjun: idkkk

renjun: just let it flow!! and you might be kissing him soon

donghyuck: BLEGH 🤢

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