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"donghyuck~" mark tapped the boy's shoulder, who was asleep under him. his head was resting on the arm of the sofa, and his arms were around mark.

mark was comfortable here, and didnt want to move, but it was late now.

all the other boys had gone to bed, leaving the two there, as they'd mutually agreed they didnt want to wake them up, and deal with.. whatever they'd have to deal with.

the lights were all off, except the kitchen light. a dim light. enough light created that mark could see donghyuck's face.

he could see his lips, pink, slightly dry from sleep, but still pretty. his moles on his cheeks and his warm skin he'd die to kiss forever and always.

with mark's name call, donghyuck didn't budge. he wasn't surprised. donghyuck was such a deep sleeper. he'd known that for years.

he smiled, sitting up, perched on donghyuck's thighs, knees either side of his body, "donghyuck-ah.. it's late.."

he felt the boy move, and his hands reach his face to cover it, and rub his eyes, "hmphh-"

donghyucks eyes opened, and the two made eye contact. he smiled, before nodding and shutting his eyes again.

"hyuck... we can't stay here all night~" mark whined, getting off of the boy and sitting on the edge of the couch instead, with his hand on his stomach, "how many spare beds do these guys have?"

"just one.." he mumbled, "my bed when i lived here."

"we could move there?" he trailed his hand along the boy's stomach, holding his waist.

"mmm~" donghyuck whined, rolling onto his side, "it's a single bed, it'll be uncomfortable, hyung~"

"we could go back home?"

"i wanna go back to sleep~"

mark rolled his eyes, before straddling donghyuck again, sat on his thighs above his knees, "move your arms. let me in."

donghyuck threw his arms in the air, and mark dived straight into his chest, his arms over his shoulders.

"we'll sleep here, if you make sure you dont let me fall.." mark scoffed, his hands finding their way into his hair.


donghyuck was pretty much asleep again.

mark chuckled, grabbing the tv remote, turning it on, "gonna put the tv on, anything you wanna watch?"

"it's so late.. i wanna watch my dreams."

"alright," mark smiled, "goodnight."


mark felt donghyuck take deep breaths, before his arms tightened their hold around him. he wasn't as tired as before, so he wanted to watch something.

the silence was peaceful, until he heard a noise in the corridor, and the light to the louge was turned on.

"ughh~ mark~" donghyuck whined, as mark sheiled his eyes from the brightness.

mark let his eyes adjust to the light to see a surprised jisung stood in the doorway, looking away to the side, not wanting to see the two males ontop of eachother for any longer than he already had.

he hadn't look long enough though, to realise that it was completely innocent.

mark chuckled, as jisung put his hand infront of his face, "i- sorry- i just left my bag here i'll-"

"jisung-ahh~" mark whined at the boy's behaviour, "chill out~"

jisung looked in the direction of the quiet voice, eyes showing a scared expression.

"he's fast asleep, ji," mark smiled, "you didnt see anything."

jisung giggled, covering his face, embarrassed at what he'd assumed he'd seen, "sorry.."

mark smiled, shaking his head, "id be surprised too. it's good. you good?"

"mhm! just needed my bag.." jisung nodded, taking his bag before grabbing a blanket from the other couch, "here. it gets quite cold in here."

mark watched jisung as he placed a blanket over the two of them, "thank you jisungie," he smiled with a nod, "go to bed now, you look tired."

"oh, i am. very tired."


mark: TENNNNNNNN i am so corjhfhfjfiv iesnt to cryyg

ten: it is SO late this better be important mark

mark: donghyuck is asleep rn

ten: ok?? so is johnny what about it

mark: underneath me

ten: HUH?? are u suffocating him or something i thought u liked him

ten: i know crushes are frustrating but this isnt a good way of coping

mark: NOOO

mark: im laying on him. his. chest. and he is snoring so quietly and he is holding me and i am so comfortable and happy hyung :<


ten: thats so cute omg

ten: noooooooo

mark: im actually.. i neeverrrr wanna move

mark: i wanna lay like this forever and always

mark: he is so comfortable and his arms around me ten u do not understand

mark: so gentle so lovely

ten: this was worth it

ten: im so happy for u baby

ten: go to sleep now it's so late pls let me sleep too

mark: PLS okay



donghyuck: i want to s*ck h*m *ff

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