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"day before your comeback, and im holding you over the toilet, mark," donghyuck scoffed, in a teasing manner as mark whined, wiping his mouth with a damp towell donghyuck had given him, "think you're done?"

mark sighed, letting his body catch up with itself, until he knew he wouldn't throw up anymore. he nodded, letting donghyuck pull him up, and into his chest.

mark whined again, curling into donghyuck as he kneeled on the floor, "i'm never drinking again.."

donghyuck shook his head, stroking the boy's hair, before using almost all of his body strength to stand up with him in his arms.

"think you could eat breakfast? you've gotta get something in you," donghyuck told him, letting him onto his feet but holding his waist to keep him stable, "i'll make you food, then you can take medicine, yeah?"

mark groaned, splashing his face with water, and proceeding to wash it at the bathroom sink

"you do that, i'll go and make food, hm?"

mark nodded, feeling donghyuck press a long kiss on the back of his head, before leaving.

god, he truly felt like shit


ten: johnny told me you were drunk..

mark: dont even

mark: threw up this morning👎

ten: ooooh😬 not lush

mark: nah

mark: i feel so crap

mark: hyuck made me breakfast and i'm all dosed up but i still feel like i could throw up said breakfast at any second

ten: :( drink more water baby

mark: oh believe me i have drank so much

mark: donghyuck just got me a massive bottle and glares at me when i put it down

ten: 😭😭 cute

ten: excited for tomorrow?

mark: honestly hyung? at this very moment, not really LMFAOO

ten: valid

ten: johnny's picking me & xuxi up tomorrow & taking me to the place though if u and taeyong wanna get a ride too

ten: i'll make him bring you guys 😁

mark: yes pls

mark: he can be my alarm too😁

ten: you know this is johnny right

ten: he'd probably leave without you

mark: remind me why you date him🙄

ten: i dont think u wanna know baby😁😁😁😁

mark: too hungover bye hyung

ten: 👋👋


"experts say that kissing actually cures hangovers.." mark teased, head laying in donghyuck's lap, looking up at him.

"oh yeah? and which expert told you that?" donghyuck replied, as they sat together on the couch.

all the other guys were out. honestly, if you asked either of them where everyone else was, they'd have no idea, but they weren't complaining.

"i uh- an expert, y'know?"

donghyuck nodded slowly, pinching mark's cheek and smiling, "cute.."

mark pouted, his eyes slightly blurry from his hangover, but also lack of glasses or contacts. his cheeks were red, and his lips were damp from teasingly licking them, in an attempt to rile up donghyuck.

"well? you wanna cure your hangover? go on," donghyuck said lightly, running his thumb along the boy's hairline, massaging his hair gently, "if you wanna cure it so badly."

mark pouted, as donghyuck just smiled, waiting.

he knew donghyuck knew how to annoy him like this. he knew he didn't have to risk rejection, as mark would eventually kiss him anyway, but he really loved seeing the fluster, the red cheeks and stammering when he tried to make a witty, flirty comeback.

mark rolled his eyes when donghyuck continued his smile, and small touches. he sighed, before reaching up with both hands and pulling donghyuck's head down.

the younger carefully positioned his head so it was parallel with the latter's, before their lips were touching, so gentle and sweet.

mark giggled into the kiss, when donghyuck placed his hand on his cheek, causing him to let out a small laugh too, and suddenly they were giggling like teenagers.

a hangover couldn't take away how happy mark was, kissing this boy. for a moment, it was barely a kiss. just smiles, and small giggles, all with their eyes closed.

"mark-ah~" donghyuck whined, holding both cheeks with both hands, holding him closer, "stop laughing~"

mark tried to force himself, kissing donghyuck slowly for a moment, before the smile rose on his lips once again.

"asshole," donghyuck teased, pulling away a little, his thumbs caressing mark's cheeks, "lucky you're pretty, huh."

"you think i'm pretty?" mark asked, his eyes wide and full of stars.

donghyuck scoffed, still staring at the boy's face as he ran his thumbs over his cheeks, eyebrows, and the bridge of his nose, "a little, i guess."

mark smiled, shutting his eyes again, but not expecting a kiss. he relaxed in donghyuck's hold, melting in the warmth of the boy's fingertips.

"i think you're pretty too, donghyuckie.."

"you're a big loser." donghyuck spoke, and somehow it felt so fond.

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