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"you're hugging my arm, you know?" donghyuck asked, as mark woke up.

the boy was grumpy, but in a childish, endearing way, making donghyuck chuckle, "dont care."

"i need to get up, mark," donghyuck sighed, as mark held tighter. he was slightly taken back, due to the older's usual hatred towards skinship like this, but it was safe to say he wasn't complaining, "hug a pillow."

"shut up, i'm sleeping."

"i've gotta mo-"

"just lay here for a little bit!" mark whined, kicking donghyuck's legs. the younger rolled his eyes, before shutting them, head facing the ceiling.

"ten minutes," donghyuck spoke, "then you're getting up with me."

"mm.. whatever.." mark mumbled, cuddling up to donghyuck's side completely, his legs over the younger's body, as he breathed deeply, "twenty minutes.."



renyang and the third wheel

donghyuck: so uh

donghyuck: we woke up late ............

renjun: FOR THE CONCERT??????

donghyuck: renjun it's midday u think the concert is at midday

donghyuck: no not for the concert but for food and also um. taeyong wanted us to practice.

yangyang: oh god 😭

donghyuck: it's not my fault he gives good cuddles 😕😕😕😕

renjun: donghyuck.......


yangyang: crying

renjun: how's taeyong

donghyuck: he WAS pissed

donghyuck: until me and mark agreed on practicing together for a bit and he didnt let us out of the practice room for an hour LMFAOAOA

renjun: HE LOCKED YOU IN??

donghyuck: pretty much

donghyuck: monitored the door so we wouldnt leave LMFAO

renjun: howd the practice go then

donghyuck: good actually!!!! he helped me with stuff. was beneficial i'd say

yangyang: no making out ?????

donghyuck: shut up

donghyuck: no we did not make out

donghyuck: mark and kun are lucky you two arent in the same unit

donghyuck: if you got to practice together you'd get nothing done bcs you'd be inside eachother the whole time

yangyang: TRUEEEE 🤪

renjun: you absolutely did not have to word it like that.

donghyuck: no denial though huh

renjun: obviously not but im not admitting that ur right

donghyuck: 🤗


"you're awake now?" taeyong teased as donghyuck and mark arrived to the venue's changing room, joining the other boys.

the concert was in a few hours, but they'd usually arrive a few hours early to prepare.

"absolutely was not my fault," donghyuck smiled, feeling mark's hands on his waist as he squeezed between him and the wall, "blame him."

he didnt know why mark had become so touchy, but his hands were on his waist for a few more seconds than needed, especially when he had already made his way through the small space.

he watched as taeyong hit the boy's head playfully, as mark whined. he smiled, as mark did too.

he liked seeing him happy.

a/n this was a very gay chapter 😦

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