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yangyang: uhhhh

yangyang: hi guys!!

yangyang: so

yangyang: gossip time with yangyang

yangyang: and maybe this is shitty but like

yangyang: i dont really care that much #yolo

yangyang: but i accidentally saw ten and mark texting !!!

yangyang: and mark was mentioning wanting to 'fuck' someone

yangyang: and this someone used he/him pronouns

yangyang: so @donghyuck my love 💘💞💖💗

yangyang: idk how you should take this

yangyang: either happy that he wants to fuck a he/him bcs that means he could also want to fuck you

yangyang: or sad because it might not be you he's talking about

yangyang: or nervous because i might've accidentally found out that mark literally wants to rail you

yangyang: either way i hope you're having a good morning! 😁

donghyuck: i wanna go back to sleep

renjun: was he naked?

donghyuck: no he was wearing shorts

yangyang: OK?? IGNORE ME THEN???????

donghyuck: im still processing it

donghyuck: that he might wanna fuck men that aren't me 😢😢

renjun: you're both disgusting

donghyuck: he left my bed a while ago to go and talk to ten about these boys he wants to fuck </3 heart wrenching

yangyang: damnnnn

yangyang: it's okay we'll do it if he doesnt :( <3

renjun: ?!?!?! no the fuck we wont???


mark: hyuck!

donghyuck: ... hello

mark: get out of bed

donghyuck: are u not coming back?

mark: you want me to?

donghyuck: im not admitting things you want me to admit lee

mark: that's pretty much admitting but ok

mark: i cant im sorry :((

donghyuck: WHAT

donghyuck: sorry i uh yeah its ok ur busy ahaha 😐

mark: 😭😭😭😭

donghyuck: what

mark: 😭😭😭

donghyuck: ..

mark: 😭😭😭😭😭😭

donghyuck: r u okay do u need a hug

mark: 😭


mark: hyuck ur cute :)

donghyuck: i know thank you

mark: so so so cute

donghyuck: what are you trying to do rn

mark: wtf

mark: im calling you cute

mark: ur cute

mark: i can't come back i have stuff to do

donghyuck: ??? what are u doing its our day off

mark: superm

donghyuck: i forgot abt that group🙄 fuck superm👎

mark: 😭😭

donghyuck: why am i never told about comebacks

mark: no comeback yet

mark: just a meeting that was apparently needed in the morning

donghyuck: hm

mark: get out of bed

mark: youd better be out of bed when im back

donghyuck: 😨😏 damn ok

donghyuck: or what? 😜

mark: ...

donghyuck: are u gonna punish me?🥺

mark: are u still drunk.

donghyuck: im gonna start screaming!

mark: do u wanna do anything today

donghyuck: maybe idk whyd u wanna know

mark: ur so feisty!! omg!!

mark: just wondering! incase u wanted me to join you doing anythjng!! damn!!

donghyuck: 😊

mark: ?????

donghyuck: i wanna . hm

donghyuck: bro i need to showerrrrrr im stinky and alchol scented i dont wanna go out

mark: u dont have to go out we can just do something at home

donghyuck: ugh you love me so much im gonna vomit!

mark: ...

donghyuck: lets watch a movie hyung

mark: we always watch movies

mark: whenever i let u pick what we do when we hang out its a movieeee

donghyuck: i like watching movies w you :|

mark: 🥺

donghyuck: and honestly mark if we arent leaving the house literally what else can we do in this place

donghyuck: do a puzzle?? like?? no

donghyuck: ill let you pick it

donghyuck: the movie

mark: deal

donghyuck: :D

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