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the day of the comeback, and mark, once agaun, wasn't in his bed, where donghyuck had seen him last.

he laid in the bed that wasn't his, feeling around with his arms to make sure, but didnt find the boy. he groaned, reaching for his phone before laying comfortably on his back

donghyuck: good morning to you too

donghyuck: where did you go

donghyuck: im alone in ur bed again asshole

mark: hey

mark: im in the kitchen :) was thirsty

donghyuck: ahh

donghyuck: it's 5am 😭

donghyuck: ur coming back right?

mark: in a bit :)

donghyuck: literally what are you doing it's so early

mark: we have to be up in a few hours anyway it's okay

donghyuck: alright

donghyuck: well im gonna sleep again night

mark: sleep well hyuckie 🥱🥱


donghyuck found mark in the kitchen a while later. he hadn't slept much more, but wasn't as tired as he thought he'd be.

the boy was making coffee, with all the main lights on, including the lounge ones. donghyuck walked in with a small 'hey' before he walked up to the older.

mark hummed, nothing but a nod before donghyuck snaked his arms around his waist.

"what're you making?" he asked, resting his head on the boy's shoulder to watch him make a drink.


donghyuck nodded, but became confused at mark's body language, and tone.

he didnt reciprocate the affection.
which yeah, it was rare if mark showed the same amount back.. but this?

unlike the familiar response, he didnt even lean back slightly into the emptiness of donghyuck's chest, or tilt his head into the latter's. he stood, still and cold, like his soul had been ripped out raw.

he gave a small squeeze, his hands in a rubbing motion on his hips for comfort, to which mark let out air through his noise, proceeding with a slight smile.

"you're alright?" donghyuck asked, not too confident he'd get a positive answer, when he slowly peeled himself away from him.

"i'm.. i'll be fine," mark nodded, picking up his mug and sipping it, "have some. i thought you were going to sleep more?"

donghyuck smiled, as mark placed the mug to his lips, holding it for a few seconds, letting him drink. he shook his head after swallowing, and letting mark lead him out of the kitchen.

"couldn't. nerves."

mark nodded, as they sat together on the couch, "i'm- actually gonna shower.."

"yeah?" donghyuck nodded, "go on. dont let me stop you, just because i'm up."

donghyuck chuckled when mark hopped back up, just a few seconds after sitting down.

mark gave him what felt to donghyuck like an attempt of a smile, before messing his hair and walking out of the room once again.

cingulomania ~ markhyuckNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ