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donghyuck: im so happy right now

donghyuck: so mark likes guys

donghyuck: he told me!! i feel so giddy like a little kid im so happy :')

donghyuck: we cuddled all afternoon. no tv or anything just spoke and laid in silence

donghyuck: idk if he slept or not but i didnt but i didnt get bored we just laid there for like four hours andqdbfjkec

donghyuck: he kept kissing my hair too like

donghyuck: starting to think he wants me dead

donghyuck: he must like me a bit bcs i havent washed my hair it probably stinks

yangyang: donghyuck im actually happy for you rn

yangyang: this is rare but im actually smiling at my phone for you rn this is cute

donghyuck: 🥺

donghyuck: yangyang im so happy?

donghyuck: he's gone now bcs we're eating soon & he wants to shower first

donghyuck: i need to shower too but im just sat in bed with butterflies and red cheeks and a heart that is fucking HURTING from excitement

yangyang: poetic

donghyuck: UGH i

donghyuck: i really like him yangyang :(

renjun: im in this group too yk


renjun: im kidding

renjun: hyuck :')

renjun: im so happy ur happy

renjun: im also smiling for you rn i cant that's so cute

renjun: u really had the choice to pull any man you wanted and you chose THE mark lee that's so funny

donghyuck: leave me alone he's really reallylylyly cute 😖

renjun: unique taste but i respect it!

donghyuck: :')

donghyuck: i need to kiss him he deserves it

donghyuck: literally just wanna kiss him for the chance it could make him smile i just wanna make and see him smile this is so pathetic

yangyang: yk kissjng isnt the only way to make someone smile

yangyang: so i think ur lying

donghyuck: shhh

donghyuck: how am i supposed to eat dinner with everyone without seeing him across the table and wanting to eat HIM instead

renjun: self control? idk

yangyang: ur so funny babe 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

donghyuck: nah ive had enough i want him in my mouth im going to eat him alive

renjun: u have a weird way of coping!

donghyuck: im too happy to be mean to you


mark: ten!!! hyung!!!! ten ten tennnn

ten: hey sexy

mark: he knows i like boyyyyyssss

ten: OMG!! u told him??

ten: or did u just kiss LMFAOO

mark: oh i wish

mark: he literally just straight up asked me

ten: PLS i know he was definitely getting impatient

ten: mark you'd better not drag this out now that you both know that u both like boys and ur acting this way with eachother

ten: it is so obvious he likes you back


mark: i cant just start making out with him now he knows i like cock ???


mark: ugh but i need to kiss him

mark: u think he does like me back?

ten: mark dont even do this

ten: you know there is romance between you two dont start acting stupid

ten: i know ur dumb but you cant be that naive



and just as expected, dinner was a disaster. who's STUPID idea was it for them to sit opposite eachother?

the avoided eye contact mixed with the occasional accidental foot touches were driving them insane, and donghyuck was scoffing his food down at this point, just so he could leave the table quicker.

mark was finding it funny though. finding donghyuck's obvious fluster adorable when he'd run his foot up his leg.

at one point, he got brave enough to poke at donghyuck's inner thigh with his foot, only to recieve wide eyes and a slap on the leg, pushing him away.

and red cheeks, of course.

donghyuck: mark

mark: hello???

donghyuck: eat ur food stop being distruptive

mark: i am! 🫡

donghyuck: 🤨

mark: ur the one texting me rn put ur phone down

donghyuck: busy after this

mark: you literally know i'm not

mark: why did that make you laugh

mark: loser!

donghyuck: 🙄🙄 come to my room w me again asshole

mark: yes sir 🫡🫡

donghyuck: 🫣

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