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another concert over, tired guys piling into a dressing room, already full of staff and just random people, that donghyuck had never seen, when he grabbed his bag and coat, and fell down onto a couch.

mark noticed the boy's unhappy expression, and body language. he spent a few seconds taking off his mic pack, and handing it to someone, before he scooted through bodies to reach donghyuck.

"need help?" mark asked, already taking off the mic for donghyuck, not awaiting a response.

which donghyuck didnt. he didn't respond, as he really didnt have a choice, and he'd say yes anyways.

he relaxed as mark's hands made their way around his waist, untangling the cables. he felt mark struggle, and used the opportunity to rest his chin on his shoulder for a moment.

"not helpful.." he chuckled, but managed to take it off, gently taking donghyuck off of his shoulder too, "you alright?"

the two made eye contact, and the first thing mark noticed was the younger boy's eyes glossed over, full of tears that would fall at his next blink.

mark wiped the one that fell, as donghyuck took the deepest breaths he could, to avoid anyone else other than mark noticing.

luckily the other boys were around the corner, getting un-ready, but who knew when one of them would bound into view. they were like toddlers.

mark was immediately worried, as you would be, but let donghyuck deal with his emotions, as he looked like he was handling it well.

they kept eye contact, as donghyuck caught his breath and wiped his eyes and cheeks, "shit, man."

"what's up?" mark asked, quiet as the eye contact broke and donghyuck grabbed his water, "did someone say something? something happen on stage?"

donghyuck shook his head, before grabbing mark's hand and placing it very carefully on his knee.

gentle enough so it wouldnt hurt, but he didnt want to admit out loud that he was in agonising pain.

"shit.." mark sighed, taking his hand off and looking into donghyuck's eyes again, despite him looking into the distance, "i have some sweatpants in my bag, if you wanna wear those back? and i'll wear your jeans?"

donghyuck laughed sadly, nodding, "why?"

"i dunno. jeans might be too tight," mark laughed along, "if it's getting you to tears, hyuck, it's not good."

donghyuck nodded with a frown as mark spoke close to his ear, leaning on the back of the couch.

"i wont tell anyone if you get it looked at?" mark bargained, seeing donghyuck's bottom lip quiver slightly, making his head crack.

he knew how excited  donghyuck was for this tour. yeah, he was excited for most tours, but he'd been talking about it all the time, and he saw how it effected him knowing there'd be a chance he couldnt attend.


"i can take you to the hospital? tonight?"

"shouldn't i go on my own?"

"i dont want you to.." mark said, grabbing his bag from further down the couch, and taking out the black sweatpants, placing them on donghyuck's lap, "put these on. will you be okay getting to the car?"

"if you cover my limps, yeah," he laughed, playing with the fabric of the clothes on his lap, "i'm so mad."


"that i ignored it."

mark nodded sadly, but cracked a smile before adding, "yeah. kinda stupid, huh?"


taeyong: drinks in my room if anyone wants to join me & do

johnny: On my way!

jaehyun: oh sick

jungwoo: jungwoo tired

taeil: where is ur room?????

taeyong: ur moms house 🤣🤣🤣

taeil: ..

taeyong: floor three room 29

taeyong: @mark @donghyuck ?? i'll let you drink

johnny: theyre probably kissing somewhere  leave them be

doyoung: johnny!!!


"i need to rest it.." donghyuck said, straight faced as he walked out of the hospital with mark. his eyes were teary again as they walked through the dark, cold, midnight streets.

luckily the health clinic they'd gone too was only around the corner from the hotel, so they'd be able to swiftly sneak back in, without being spotted.

which they did.

they ended up back in their beds, donghyuck's leg over the covers as he dealt quietly with the pain.

he'd been given strong painkillers, which he'd taken, but he still hurt so badly.

"try to sleep," mark spoke, watching as donghyuck winced every other second, "if crying makes it easier to deal with, dont feel like i'm judging."

donghyuck pouted with a sad laugh, looking towards mark and nodding, wiping his eyes.


a few hours earlier

taeyong frowned, as he watched mark and donghyuck walk together down the hall into their hotel room. he noticed mark's hand on donghyuck's waist, as every step he took seemed to cause him pain

his head would roll back and he'd press his eyes shut, hissing in uncomfort every so often.

he sighed, shaking his head before walking back into his room.

surely if he was with mark, and he seemed to be helping, meant he didnt need help just yet.

he knew mark wouldnt let donghyuck be injured.

the boy loved him too much, taeyong thought.


johnny: yo taeyong

johnny: pretty sure donghyuck is very injured rn

johnny: i saw him and mark come in with a bag from a health place and he was limping HARD

johnny: i saw him after the concert earlier too and it looked as if he had cried for 5 hours straight

taeyong: you saw too? :(

taeyong: i noticed them earlier but shook it off

taeyong: i thought i'd trust mark? maybe

johnny: to perform surgery on his leg?

johnny: i think hyuck should get it properly checked out

taeyong: mmm

taeyong: me too

taeyong: i'll talk to him tomorrow :)

johnny: alright!!

taeyong: goodnight :)

johnny: nightttt

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