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mark's alcohol tolerance was never the highest, and when his hyungs treated him to a few too many wines, he couldn't say no.

he was comfortably drunk, but he was drunk. donghyuck sat next to the giggling, red cheeked boy at the table, glad they'd sat in the back of the restaurant, because if any fans spotted him like this, he'd be embarrassed for months.

"mark, you're loud," donghyuck sighed with a smile, as he placed his head on the table, embarassed but finding the boy cute at the same time, as he excitedly threw his arms around, "shh.."

mark smiled, laying his head on the table too, face to face with donghyuck. he grinned giddly at the pretty boy he made eye contact with, "donghyuckie..." he mumbled, and the two were in their own world, away from the other guys who spoke and ate.


"wanna go home..." mark whispered, "wanna sleep with you."

"oh yeah?"

"like.. sleep..." he giggled, "not sexy.."

donghyuck nodded, his lips curling as he watched mark's eyes tiredly shut, "yeah, i think you need it."

"come to the bathroom with me hyuckie.."

"we can't just sneak off to the bathroom mark," donghyuck scoffed, "we're in public, what if we're caught, that'd look gay," he laughed.

"chill out, maybe we both needed a shit," mark teased, fumbling out of his chair, "it is gay. the toilets are just there, it's fine."

donghyuck followed after mark, pushing him gently towards the toilets.

"cant believe you're dragging me into a toilet," donghyuck scoffed, as mark messily kissed his lips. he was definitely way too wine-drunk for this, as the kisses were strange lip touches, not really much, but donghyuck let him do it anyways, kissing back properly occasionally, "so romantic."

"donghyuckie.." mark shivered, pressing his body up against the latter's in the cubible, "i love you.."

donghyuck smiled when mark hooked his chin on his shoulder, an incoherant mumble after the verbal affection, "i love you too, mark. you're sleepy, huh?"

he ran his fingers along mark's back, feeling his body relax and his head become heavier on his shoulder.

"dont fall asleep. we can leave now if you want? i'm sure the others wont mind.." donghyuck whispered, as mark nodded, "alright, but stay awake though."

donghyuck teased, almost peeling mark away from him. he looked at the boy for a moment before laughing at his tired expression, and grabbing his wrist to pull him out of the cubicle.

mark mumbled incoherant nothings into donghyuck's ears, as he stood at the mirror, fixing his hair, "lets quit our job.. and... move away to.. somewhere else... and we can kiss all~ the time..."

"yeah?" donghyuck entertained the boy, tilting his head, "is that what you want?"

"mm..." mark nodded, kissing donghyuck's neck. they swayed together for a moment, mark's hands on his waist and placing small pecks on his ear.

until the bathroom door swung open, and mark was pushed back into the cubicle they'd just been stood in. but donghyuck's reaction time wasn't quick enough, giving whoever this was enough time to see... them..

"oh, sorry-" the man started, but laughed when he realised who was stoof before him, "oh?"

donghyuck held his chest, looking straight at the man's face, "jaehyun- scared the shit out of me-"

jaehyun chuckled lowly, before mark let out a pained, "ow..." from the cubicle behind them.

donghyuck smiled, grabbing mark's wrists and helping him up, "sorry-"

"so you fuck?"

mark, drunk, but not enough to not fluster, gasped lightly, his eyes widening.

donghyuck glared at the older, but laughed, "i uh- no- but in the way you mean.. yeah?"

"how long?"

"you're speaking like i'm pregnant, hyung."

"considering what i saw, it wont be long.." jaehyun teased, pinching donghyuck's cheek and teasingly pushing mark, knowing he wasn't sober enough to stay stood, "well, i need to do my business, so go somewhere else to make out. i'm poop shy."

mark giggled, leaning against the sink. apparently he was drunk enough for poop humour.


when they got home, after a walk in the rain, mark had chosen to drink a bit more, a glass of his vodka donghyuck had gotten him for his birthday, that he'd never gotten the chance to drink.

donghyuck was fine with it. he even had some himself. they were just in the canadian's bedroom, and after the boy had completed a tipsy shower, and gotten changed, he wasn't ready to be sober yet.

"this is good," donghyuck commented, as mark's head laid in his lap, and he stroked his hair like a kitten, "i have good choices."

"yeah.. you chose to be in love with me. that's a great choice."

donghyuck rolled his eyes, as mark giggled, spilling a little of his drink onto his blanket, "whoops."

"careful.." donghyuck spoke gently, secretly not caring too much, since it wasn't his bed, but knowing sober mark would be annoyed, "i'm in love with you?"

"oh my god- you admitted it-"

"no- i- it was a question-" donghyuck laughed, shaking his head, "are you in love with me?"

donghyuck knew he shouldnt use mark's drunk brain to his advantage, but he wouldnt go further than this. he just wanted to know what the boy would admit.

"mm.." mark hummed, tapping his nails on the glass, "a little bit.. i think.. maybe a little bit more.."



donghyuck smiled, his fingers running through the latter's hair before he placed a kiss on his forehead.

"donghyuck-ah, we should be boyfriends."

a/n cliffhanger x

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