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Saudi Arabian Grand prix

"I'm so proud of you Mel, I know it's hard for you to be here. Max knows it too and he's so proud." Kelly smiled at me as she took me from the catering room.

I smiled back "Well I think I've let my dad dictate my life for much too long, what's the point of living if I'm living in fear?"

"Damn right," Kelly beamed "I'm also debating whether this has something to do with a certain driver."

"Aunty Mel has a boyfriend?" Penelope asked inquisitively as she held my hand tightly.

"Nope nope nope. Pen, if I teach you one thing in life it's that boys are smelly and give you cooties." I explained to the small girl awaiting the disgust to display on her face.

"Oh shush you." Kelly added picking up Penelope and taking her to the bathroom as we'd been wandering around pretty much all day.

It was hard trying to tell myself that I didn't actually like Charles because I truly think that I feel something for him.

I just don't think he feels the same way.

Isa hasn't been feeling well so has stayed at home which honestly hasn't made me feel much better about being here today.

I've been here since 8 this morning, Max had to do some press stuff before the race started so me and Kelly have been having a catch-up with the company of Pen of course.

"Melvin is that you?" Lewis asked holding out his arms widely for a hug.

"Shut up Lola." I smiled hugging him back, Lewis Hamilton was a 7 time world champion. Maxs' hero before he began competing in F1.

Yes he always calls me Melvin.

"Nice to have you out here, missed ya in Bahrain but you were all over the news so I feel like I did see you."

I laughed "Well it's nice to see you too."

"Routing for me today? Oh no wait you're a red bull girl or is it Ferrari these days? Oh I can't keep up." He exclaimed as we walked towards the crowds of people getting ready for the race to begin.

I shook my head "Give me some credit Lew, Red bull any day. Any day."

He lifted his arms in defence "Had to check. Are you going to the party tonight?"

"I thought all the parties were for the guys to get absolutely shitfaced after the races." I admitted crossing my arms and squinting my eyes to see him past the sun.

He shook his head "Nah it's a whole bunch of people actually, you should come."

I smiled "I'll think about it."

He sighed "You are just like your brother. Live a little Melvin."

"I will see you around." I laughed walking away towards the paddocks, waving to Carlos but avoiding the Ferrari paddock altogether.

For the first time in a while I was confident in my dads absence, Charles had sworn to me that he would do everything in his power to keep his dad away.

He even filed a restraining order against my dad for me, max, Kelly and Penelope and he's never even met Pen.

The race ended just as it had began, Max and Charles within inches of each other. I was lucky enough to be talking with Max throughout the race on the head seat and he was not happy with the proximity of the Ferrari to him.

Once the race was over we all remained unsure on who had actually won it until 10 minutes later and thorough discussion that Max had once again taken the win.

Poor Charles.

Don't get me wrong I was absolutely ecstatic for my brother, anyone would know that. I was cheering so loudly my throat felt raw and my voice was practically gone.

But deep down, I was saddened for Charles now that I'd seen firsthand how hard he trained to be done dirty by the Ferrari strategists was a joke.

Once the race was over and the drivers went into their rooms momentarily before the podium ceremony began I spoke to Kelly "Are you going to the party thing later?"

"Oh yeah, well we weren't really sure. We can't find a sitter for Penelope so probably not but we'd like to go." Kelly smiled and Penelope just nodded, she had these huge ear defenders on to protect her ears from the noises from the cars and the crowds of people.

One thing i loved about Penelope was the blonde colour of her hair being so similar to Max and I's considering she isn't his actual daughter she sure does look like him.

"Oh I mean I'd look after her-

Kelly's hand went up immediately to stop me talking "No you're going and Isa is going too. So you don't have any excuse to be moping that no one will be there."

"Isa is sick." I countered.

"Has the girl ever turned down a party? Come on now, I'll tell you the time and where it is. Ooh and let me choose your outfit!" She smiled widely.

"If I do this, I will watch Penelope tomorrow so that you can celebrate with Max." I promised her.

"Happy days." She replied.

"Damn you." I joked and she pouted but quickly smiled once more when she saw Max running out towards her and engulfing her in his arms.

My whole life, I had hoped he'd find the love we searched for when we were little and now I'm confident that he has.

Once penelope had gone over for a hug also, he was quick to jump up to the podium where Charles was already waiting alongside Lewis who came in third today.

I looked up at Charles and gave him a small wave and mouthed the words "well done" to which he responded with a signature wink in my direction, he responded instantly.

The sea of people went wild at the wink, and I just pretended I didn't see it.

The podium was over quickly and I was instantly whisked back to my hotel room which happened to be the next one over from my brother and the one opposite Charles.

Coincidence? I think not.

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