twenty seven

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The next morning I was rudely awaken to the sound of my phone loudly ringing at 6am, "Did you set an alarm?" Charles groggily asked, his morning voice deep.

"No." I groaned grabbing my phone to see who called me "It's Kelly."

Charles put his head under the duvet as I answered the phone, she wouldn't have called me if it wasn't important.

"Kelly?" I whispered into the phone trying to be quiet as Charles desperately wanted to go back to sleep.

"Auntie Mel!" Penelope's voice squealed down the phone.

"Hi baby are you okay?" I asked and she responded with "Uh huh."

"How come you've got mummy's phone?" I asked her as Charles lifted his head out from the duvet confused as to who I was talking to.

I mouthed "pen" to him and he nodded "I found it on the table. Mummy is in her room with max and the door is locked."

"Okay so you decided to call me instead?" I asked her and she excitedly said yes.

"Auntie Mel I miss you." She said down the phone and my heart sank "I miss you too P."

"When can you and uncle Charlie see me again?" She asked me.

"Are you going to the race this weekend? In Spa?" I asked her and she said that she was.

"Uncle Charlie will be there and I'm sure he will come and play with you alright?" I reassured her.

"Why can't you come too auntie mel?" She sadly asked and I was honestly about to burst into tears, thankfully Charles took the phone and began to talk to her and she quickly forgot about the whole situation.

"Okay bye pen! See you soon okay? Bye." Charles said around half an hour later as the call had ended.

"You're so good with her, it's really cute." I admit getting closer to him in the bed as I began to feel cold.

Due to the medication I was taking I was constantly freezing, so bless charles' heart it was 30+ degrees outside and we still had the heating blasting.

Although it did give him a reason to wear less clothes around the house.

He was lying next to me in only boxers and I was dressed in fluffy long sleeved pjs, with a hoodie over the top and three pairs of socks and I was still shaking.

"How many kids do you want in the future?" He suddenly asked me and I shrugged, to be honest I'd never thought much about it.

"I don't know, what about you?" I asked him.

"Three I think, I like having my two brothers so I think my ideal number is three but your body your choice." He added closing his eyes again and pulling me again this bare chest.

"Glad you're planning these future kids with me." I chuckled and he laughed in response nodding his head slightly.

We stayed in silence trying to fall back to sleep but we both knew we were awake for good now "Im thinking about going to back on socials, I'm missing the fans." I admitted to Charles.

"Well I think it would be nice of you to engage with them, I've been receiving very long messages about whether you're okay." He responded sitting up in the bed and running his hands through his hair.

"I don't know what I'd say though." I uttered sitting up also as Charles pulled me onto his lap, our faces only an inch apart.

Charles' eyes never left mine as he spoke "Well why don't you sing something, you have an absolute gift you might as well use it."

He's such a genius "Hm you think?"

"Mmm," his eyes wandered down to my lips "For the record my favourite song on the album is make you feel my love, because you do always make me feel your love."

I put my forehead on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around my back tightly placing his chin on me, "What did I do to deserve you?" I whispered to him.

"I ask myself the same question every single day, I don't say it enough but you are hands down the best thing that's ever happened to me." He admitted, getting up slowly but I was still wrapped around as my legs were crossed over his back and my arms around his neck as he stood.

"You're like a koala." He laughed as he carried me out to the kitchen and sitting me on the counter as he grabbed my pills and held my hand out to count them.

All six of them.

I took the pills quickly with a gulp of water as Charles headed up to the shower where I could immediately hear him singing chasing cars at the top of his lungs earning a laugh from me.

He's not even a bad singer.

As I made us both pancakes and left his on the side for when he got out I went and texted my new manager, Isa.

After the accident I'd come to the realisation I needed a manager who cared more for my mental well-being rather than making me a money mule so naturally I hired Isa.

Melody 🎶
Isa, I want to get back on socials but I don't really know what to say. Charles suggested I do a song? Thoughts??

Isa 🦋
That's a brilliant idea, post a video of you singing something - are you going to write something new or do one from the album?

Melody 🎶
Thinking about doing a new one, I think I owe everyone something new.

Isa 🦋
I can't wait to see it! Though you do need to start doing the music videos for all twelve songs soon 🫣

She knows how much I hate doing the music videos for everything, I can't dance for shit and my lip syncing is awful so it takes me forever.

And they are always so cringy.

Melody 🎶

Isa 🦋
That's the spirit. Now hop too it.

Melody 🎶
Okay grandma x

Isa 🦋

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