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Just as I continued to pull an ambulance arrived and instantly a sea of paramedics pulled Charles from me and put him on a stretcher.

I fell to my knees as pain wrapped it's white hot fingers around my throat choking away the last remnants of my good memories.

But all that I could think about was Charles.

May 8th

Like a jolt of electricity, the pain shot through my nerves, reminding me of the day prior as I awoke.

"Melody! Oh my god you absolute fucking idiot." Max exclaimed squeezing my shoulder slightly hard.

"Max. I don't want to hear it." I groaned adjusting my eyes to the bright light of the hospital room.

"Yeah, do you remember anything from yesterday?" He asked sitting back in his chair beside my bed, he rubbed his eyes.

"Slightly, how is Charles doing?" I asked him and Max rolled his eyes.

"Always been too god damn kind Mel. He's in a stable condition. He's got an oxygen mask on and he is on a drip, he had some bad bleeding from his abdomen but he will be okay." Max explained slightly annoyed.

Relief washed over me like the first spring rain, cool and refreshing.

"Oh thank god." I smiled lazily still extremely exhausted.

"Yeah, you saved him Mel. They didn't think he was making it back from that one," Max admitted "I have never experienced so much pride yet sadness on the same day."

"What do you mean?" I asked him running my eye with the back of my bandaged hand.

"I am so proud of you, going to save him but I was also angry. I wasn't going to let you die to save him no fucking way but they had literally held me back from coming to get you. And when you managed to pull him out- but then you collapsed on the ground-

"I'm sorry Max, but I wasn't just sitting around watching him die. No fucking way." I admitted.

"Mel you were in fire for probably 10 minutes for him? I mean Penelope was distraught. Was he really worth it?" Max asked but the conversation was over as my doctor entered.

The doctor entered the room with Isa behind him "Melody! Nice to see you awake and looking well how are you feeling?"

I shrugged slightly uncomfortably "I don't really know what hurts and what doesn't to be honest."

Isa was crying looking at me, "So Melody, you have sustained some pretty bad injuries, you have third degree burns on your hands. You had a deep gash in your leg from the glass that required 12 stitches and you've also bruised a rib- thankfully no break."

After pulling him out I fell down pretty hard on the track, the smoke in my lungs forbidding me from breathing, the impact must of broken my rib, the glass from the windows of the cars stuck in my leg as I reached him, don't even get me started on the darn burns.

Isa wasn't silently crying now, she was absolutely balling "Melody, you gave me a heart attack. I thought-

"Isa calm down okay. I'm okay." I smiled at her slightly and she continued to cry as she sat besides max.

"I suggest a few more hours here so we can monitor you but after that you're free to go home." The doctor said and just as he was about to leave he turned to me again "You're a hero melody."

He left the room and I turned to Max and Isa, "what do you think the chances are that I could go and see Charles?"

Isa sniffed a little "After all of that you still just want to speak to him,he has been awake for hours and he has not stopped asking for you"

"I love him Isa."

May 10th Album release day:

It's been two days since the accident and I've been living with Max, Kelly and Penelope as Charles hasn't left the hospital yet they think his cut is infected.

"My beautiful girl." He murmured from the hospital bed as I held his hand, despite him not being 100% he held my hand gently and inspected the burns.

"I mean I'm glad you think so but personally I feel like I've been run over ten times and kicked down the stairs." I laughed a little but regretted it instantly as I held my rib in pain.

Charles sat up in his bed slowly as the injury's he'd sustained made it hard "Mel, why did you do this to yourself, the guilt is eating me alive."

I was kind of surprised to hear that from him, I looked in his eyes "What do you mean?"

"You practically sacrificed yourself for me and look at you, you're hurt Mel and it's all my fault." He sighed, he closed his eyes to think.

I stood up slowly and held his face in my hands "Charles, I would do it again a thousand times if it meant you lived. I was really fucking scared that you wouldn't make it and I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't do something."

He rubbed the side of my face, moving the hair out of my way "I owe you my life. I'm so sorry this is how the world found out about us."

He's was right about that, since the whole accident ordeal it was pretty obvious that we were together and the world would not shut up about it.

People even found the hospital and are queuing outside hoping to catch a glimpse of either of us.

"It's okay, I did it to myself."

"I hurt you melody. I hurt you fucking badly and it's never going to happen again, I can promise you that right this second." He responded as he held eye contact with me, holding me tightly.

"I love you." I smiled at him as I sat back into the bedside chair.

"Are you still releasing the album today?" He asked straining his arm as he laid back down.

I nodded "Hopefully. I don't really feel like it but I have to keep my original date and besides Louise says we're everywhere currently so no better time than the present."

He smiled widely "I can't wait to hear it for the first time. I always listen to you when I'm driving, it brings me comfort."

I smiled brightly at him "Is that so?"

He nodded "Yeah I mean, when the crash happened I was trying to keep myself awake by humming your songs"

My eyes watered slightly as he admitted the truth to me, "I am so sorry this happened Charles."

He can't race for a month due to the injuries he has sustained so he's missing two grand prixs, unless his backup driver is incredible he's missing out on a whole host of points.

World driver champion would practically be out of the window.

"No melody don't apologise to me I should apologise to you, I am the reason you're hurting physically and mentally. I am an absolute dickhead." Charles uttered as Max entered the room to come and take me home.

Max snorted hearing the tail end of the conversation "That you are mate. An absolute dickhead. Ready to go Mel?"

Max had been making snide comments at Charles for days now, he blames Charles for hurting me despite the fact it was my decision to help him.

"Not until you apologise to Charles." I demanded as I stood slowly holding my rib, waiting for him to agree.

Charles cut in "No he doesn't have to-

"No melody. He did this to you I mean god sake it was so stupid! I mean dad would've beat me for that. You ended up in hospital over that." Max responded harshly before leaving the room.

I mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to Charles and he just shook his head sadly, "I'll call you later." He responded with a sad wave.

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