thirty one

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July 30th 2023

It's been a few days since the doctors and we were currently in Spa for the Belgian Grand Prix, I was given the all clear by my doctor that I could fly so we were overjoyed.

"Ready to win today?" I asked as we walked to the Ferrari paddock, Charles was in P2 in qualifying yesterday behind Max so he did have a shot.

"Hope so." He smiled at me pulling me closer to him as we arrived in the paddock.

For the first time this season I had my Ferrari hat on that I had been given on my birthday, shit I hadn't even used the car Max had gotten me yet.

Ah well.

"Melody Verstappen!" Fred called out from behind the engineers who were double checking the car.

"Hi!" I replied cheerfully matching his tone.

"We've been waiting for you to come and join us in the paddock. I want to thank you especially, you saved the life of my driver and I can never repay you for that, you are always welcomed by Ferrari Miss verstappen." He said grabbing my hand in gratitude.

"Oh thank you-

Before I could finish he passed my a red sparkly Ferrari headset "This is for you permanently, you can converse with Charles at any point in time even if you want to watch from your brothers paddock."

"Thank you so so much." I told him as he embraced me in a hug, Charles was beaming at me.

"Melody I was wondering actually what the chances were you would do some interviews for Ferrari today?" Frank asked.

"What do you mean?" Charles asked him slightly confused.

"Well we lots of people here today purely because they are hoping to see you. You two have created such a big attraction for formula one I mean melody we've never had more Ferrari fans and I believe that a lot of that is down to you." Frank explained and I nodded along not fully sure that was true however.

"So you want more media coverage?" I asked him.

"Sort of, if you could do like two interviews and talk about whatever you want about yourself and wear the Ferrari hat doing it, you don't even have to mention anything formula one." Frank proposed and before I even had time to agree a woman came to the paddock.

"Hi! Can we pinch melody for a few moments?" She asked and I walked over to her with Charles following behind me.

"Do you mind if Charles joins us?" I asked her and she shook her head.

Charles had his arm around my waist as we stood next to each other, my Ferrari hat firmly on my head.

The woman looked back to the boy behind the camera who raised his thumb to suggest he was ready to film it "Here we have Melody Verstappen and Charles Leclerc in the Ferrari paddock." The woman introduced.

"Melody, we haven't seen you at any of the recent grand prixs is the pressure getting too much for you now?" The woman asked shoving the mic in my direction.

"Honestly my heart is in my mouth watching these races, having max and Charles to worry about is a lot. Best believe I'm watching at home though." I told her kindve avoiding the question.

"Charles you just had to go for the girl who supported red bull and not Made it easy for yourself with  a Ferrari fan ?" The woman asked him.

"What can I say, I like a challenge. I like to think she's a Ferrari girl now anyway." Charles chuckled.

"So you guys sort of announced your relationship a bit differently, during the Miami Grand Prix?" The woman asked.

"Look, it's not the way either of us would've liked to do it but I also wouldn't change it because thankfully we are both here today and doing better than ever." I answered and the woman smiled at me brightly.

"Melody your new album 'adoration' is the most streamed album this year so far and has had over 3.4 billion listeners, how does that make you feel?" The woman asked.

"Oh my god- I didn't even know any of that," I admitted truthfully "I mean I'm shocked, honestly that's insane."

"Charles your girlfriend is currently ranked #1 singer in the world, does that scare you?" She asked referring to Charles' shocked face.

"No you know what, she deserves every bit of it I've seen her work so hard this year and she's so incredibly talented and if she wasn't the number one singer in the world I'd be very concerned." He stated as he leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek.

"Melody what do you think the chances are that Charles is world driver champion this year? Will that be awkward with max?" She quizzed.

"Honestly Charles has been through so much this year that If anybody deserves a win it's Charles for putting up with me for the last few months, I reckon he could absolutely win it, he's been working hard and so have Ferrari so we'll see." I smiled at her.

"I don't think it would be awkward for max, they both work hard so you know either way I think they'll be proud of each other. Max loves the competition." I also told her kind of forgetting her question.

"Thank you both so much." She said as she turned to leave with the boy behind the camera.

Fred exited the paddock as we finished up "Exceptional you two! Exceptional! Now you love birds need to separate the race is starting in ten minutes."

"Where are you watching from?" Charles asked me as he was being pulled away by Fred.

"The Ferrari paddock I'll be there in five I need to go and wish max luck." I told him and he nodded walking away.

I walked over to the redbull paddock and was immediately booed for my Ferrari hat by the engineers but I laughed it off "Alright alright."

"Melody!" Max exclaimed as he walked over to me in his driving suit "I didn't know you were coming out today!"

"I'm just full of surprises." I told him and he shook his head.

"You certainly are wearing that Ferrari hat. Gross." He joked around.

"I just came to say good luck alright? No need for the Ferrari shaming." I said.

"Fair, thank you, I'll catch you later." He said as he got into the car.

I looked for Kelly and Pen but they didn't seem to be in the paddock so I strolled back over to Ferrari as Charles was sat in the car in his suit, he was yet to put his helmet on.

As the team was checking over the car for the final time I leaned down to Charles "You're going to smash it today alright? Good luck my love."

He put on his helmet and made a heart with his hands "I love you Mel." He said as he went to his starting position.

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