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WHEN I EVENTUALLY PULL MYSELF OFF OF THE BENCH, I'm soaking wet and my eyes feel dry from all of the spilled tears

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WHEN I EVENTUALLY PULL MYSELF OFF OF THE BENCH, I'm soaking wet and my eyes feel dry from all of the spilled tears.

I walk back to my room with my head lowered and water dripping onto the floor from my hair. The cold drift in the hallways makes me shiver, so I wrap my arms around my waist and keep them there until I have to open my door.

When I get back to my room, I pull off my wet clothes and change into something else. After that, I just stand in the middle of my room, not knowing what to do next. Do I pack? None of this stuff is really mine, so I guess I don't need to pack.

Maybe I should call Shane, let him know I'll be back soon. I sigh deeply at the fact that I have to go back to that hellhole, I had thought I left that place for good months ago.

My legs feel like they're filled with lead as I walk towards the drawer I shoved my phone into. I pull it open and grab the device I haven't seen in months. I click it on and see many missed calls and texts from Shane, I don't read them and just press his contact instead.

I hold the phone up to my ear, my heart sits in my stomach as it rings.

"Sienna?" His dreadful voice finally speaks. I feel sick.

I swallow thickly. "Yeah, its me."

"So, you are alive. What took you so long to reach me?" He asks, already reprimanding me.

I want, more than anything, to just hang up my phone and never have to speak to this man again, but I can't, and it takes everything in me to continue with my plan.

"I... didn't have my phone or a way to contact you. They wouldn't let me. I was hardly let out of anyones sight." I lie and I feel terrible for making the Volturi seem like they were holding me captive. "But I got them to trust me enough, so they let me be alone for a little bit."

"Well, are you coming home? I need you back here. I take it you've gathered some information on them?"

"I'll try to be home before tomorrow. Can you get me a plane?"

He sighs on the other end like I'm asking him for some impossible item. "Yes. Can you make it to the airport by ten tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll try." I have eight hours left in the place I've grown to love and call home. eight hours to say goodbye.

"Don't screw anything else up." Is all he says and then the line goes dead.

I pull my phone away from my ear and drop it onto my bed. I was presumed dead for months and this horrible man is already throwing insults in my face. I quickly become angry, which leads to tears welling in my eyes again. I try not to let him get to me, because I hate wasting my emotions on him, but sometimes he slips through the cracks.

𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐄, 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now