chapter 208

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Elsa went back to the Villa. She planned to go to the hospital the next day and check on her pregnancy.

People go to clinic with their husbands or partners, but she would be going alone. Because her husband didn't want this baby with her.

She sat in her bedroom looking at that last message from Jeremy. It still hurt so much.

But she touched her stomach, she felt some warmth in there. She smiled at that.

"I'm so sorry my baby... I'm so sorry I wasn't able to give you a father who loves you." She whispered to her tummy.

She had written some job applications online to other places. Hoping that she would get hired in at least one of them.

Elsa decided to investigate in the meantime. She then took a tape from her mum's box. She was ready to watch again. Maybe know the meaning behind the place,

Somewhere safe, somewhere purple. At the end of the rainbow.

And, the lion cub

Her mum was seated in the same chair as the previous video. She was restrained and was being interviewed.

Allan asked her how she was just like the previous time. And she said she was still seeing demons. She said a demon nurse came to her with a red pill in a plastic cup, and tried to force her to swallow it.

It was almost the same like the previous video, except towards the end. Her mum said something that had Elsa confused.

"I kept something that belongs to someone else." She said.

"It's almost like I stole it." She added as tears rolled down her face. "But it was worth it. It was worth it to keep them."

"And who is this person who you have something that belongs to them?" Allan asked.

Jenna was breathing heavily as she blinked slowly and repeatedly. "It's umm... It's the McConnells." She said in a cracking voice.

The McConnells? Victoria's biological parents?

Elsa's concentration was at its peak. She needed to know more.

"The McConnells.... Uhm... Yes, it's them. I have something that is theirs. Something that belongs to them. And that is the reason why so many bad things have been happening to me and my daughters. Because of who the McConnells are. Who James McConnell is."

James McConnell was Rosanna's husband. Victoria's biological father.

After she said that, she started crying so uncontrollably and didn't stop or calm down.

That make the session end there.

Leaving Elsa in suspense.

Her mum had something from the McConnells? What is it? What could it be?

She couldn't figure it out. She couldn't think of anything. What was so important? What did Jenna take that was so important it caused so many bad things to her and her daughters?

Her phone rang suddenly, startling her and giving her a bad jump scare.

She checked her phone to see who it was, and it was another new number.

Was it the same person? What did he want now? To try to convince her further?

She answered the call ready to tell him to back off, only a woman's voice to come from the other side.

"Hello." She said.

"Hello back, who is this?"

"This is Rosanna McConnell."

Elsa's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes went wide and her breath was held automatically.

What a coincidence!

Why was she calling her? What did she want?


I know you have some theories in your head after this chapter... You might be right, who knows.

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