chapter 281

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When Elsa turned her head and saw a police car pulling over close to them, she turned to Jeremy and understood what was going on.

"You no-good fuck, you set me up, didn't you?"

When Elsa said that, Jeremy was confused. What was she talking about?

Elsa saw the look on his face and just laughed. "No wonder why you hurt yourself just now. It's so that you can shift the blame onto me, right? Heh! Victoria taught you well."

Jeremy looked into those eyes, and they were turning. They were glowing green again with venom and anger.

Those evil eyes she had when she attacked Victoria at the press conference, when she declared war at the Callahan Manor, they had returned.

Elsa knew she was going to get arrested anyway, so why not end this?

She pressed the dagger inside his chest even more.

"Hiss!" Jeremy winced in pain as the dagger was driven into his chest.

"Since you called the cops on me, I don't want to go to jail for attempted murder. That is for people who failed to get the job done. I want to go for murder."

Jeremy felt her keep pressing the dagger into his chest as the soulless, murderous eyes of Elsa Halverson pierced into him.

"Miss Halverson?" a police officer called.

The moment he said that, Jeremy pulled Elsa away from the knife and then turned around to face the other direction. His back was facing the two police officers.

The police already knew he was Jeremy before approaching them, so they didn't bother him.

Elsa's hands were stained with blood, but she didn't hide them. "This is her."

"We are placing you under arrest."

"Why is that, officer?"

Elsa expected them to arrest her for threatening to murder Jeremy or something, only for them to say...

"There has been evidence brought against you to the police station that claims you committed fraud by having two identities. A very serious offense in Serpens."

'Fraud?' Elsa turned to look at Jeremy, whose back was still facing them. She remembered him threatening to send her to jail if she didn't agree to marry him.

She married him.

But now she was being arrested for that crime? She was being arrested for having a double identity, she was being arrested because she was Elsa. Someone who she was. But the government database said she was Gwen.

"You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions."

Handcuffs were put on her hands.

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