chapter 220

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Elsa turned to look at the door trying to see who was calling for her.

And a little girl in a purple dress was crawling through the space between the door and the floor and coming in.

She then ran towards Elsa.

"Yuliana?" Elsa exclaimed in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?"

Yuliana rushed to Elsa's side and hugged her.

"I live there." She pointed to their left as if showing her home. But with the wall, they couldn't see it.

Elsa understood she meant her home was close by.

She must have seen Elsa coming here so she followed her. Then hid when Bruno was there. Only to come out after he left.

Elsa was just about to say something when she noticed a stain on her dress.

"Yuliana, are you okay?"

Yuliana hadn't even noticed what was going on. But the moment she looked at her stomach, she wailed in pain.

That was the moment she felt pain. And that was the moment she realized she was hurt.

Elsa looked at the red stain on the child's dress and felt her heart feeling the pain too.

"It hurts, Elsa." She cried as she looked at herself.

"I'm sorry princess, I'm so sorry. It's because of me you are hurt. Oh god!"

She then looked at the key on the floor.

"Princess!.... Yuliana?... Listen to me, okay? You see that key over there? Please sweetie, could you take it and bring it to me?"

"Elsa, it hurts." She cried bitterly still not moving to the key.

"I know my love, I know. And I want to help you, okay? I want to make it better so it stops hurting. But I can't with my hands tied. So first, I need you to get that key, okay?

"Please princess please.... I promise you, it's going to be okay. Just trust me, just trust me darling. I promise it will okay. Just get me the key."

Yuliana got up from Elsa's lap and slowly walked to the key.

She winced as she bent down and took the key.

She then walked over to Elsa and placed the key in Elsa's hand before sitting on her lap again.

Elsa impatiently worked with the key trying to open the handcuffs.

Cold sweats ran through her spine as she struggled to open the cuffs.

Yuliana's cries was just making her even more anxious.

She was bleeding so much, Elsa's clothes were now staining too.

It almost felt like an enternity when the she finally opened the cuffs freeing herself.

She waisted no time in getting off the floor with little Yuliana in her arms.

She rushed out of the house quickly.

Yuliana said her house was nearby. Her aunt can take them to the hospital if she has a car.

There was three houses there but Elsa didn't know which one it was. Which was was Yuliana's home. And she was running out of time.

It almost felt like a miracle when the middle one opened and Amanda walked through the door.

"Amanda!" She screamed as she ran to her with Yuliana crying in her arms.

When Amanda saw Elsa coming with a wiping child in her arms. She was shocked at first.

"You again?" She said annoyed.

Elsa didn't have time to return her hostility. What mattered at that time was Yuliana's safety.

"Amanda, Yuliana got hurt. We have to take her to the hospital right now? Do you have a car to drive her there?"

Amanda looked at Yuliana who's dress was covered with blood.

Elsa expected her to act immediately and take the baby to the hospital.

But Amanda's lips curled up in disgust. "Why should I take her to the hospital? Was I the one who hurt her?"

Elsa stared at her with disbelief.

Little cries from Yuliana could be heard. She was getting too weak to make a loud sound.


"You are the one who knows how she got hurt in the first place, you take her. Leave me out of it."

She then got back in the house. But not before saying. "When she is all better, you can bring her back."

The next thing Elsa heard was the sound of the door locking.

This was shocking to say the least.

But Elsa had no time to think about it. She had to rush the baby to the hospital.

She rushed towards the road quickly. She ran hoping to find a cab to take the child to the hospital on time.

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