chapter 233

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Elsa had a funeral done for her grandma. She turned her body into ashes, then buried the ashes in a grave next to her mother's.

The onesie Elsa had wanted to buy before. The one she looked on the internet and loved it, she bought it.

Even though her baby had turned into blood so there was no body to turn into ash for the grave, she buried that onesie ansd receiving blanket she had thought about getting for her child.

She looked wrote on the grave, baby Halverson. His or her father didn't want her, so she didn't write his last name. She then wrote, under that, child of Elsa Halverson.

She wanted when she came back here, her child that never got to be born, would still be remembered.

Let it be known, Elsa only shed one tear through out this entire experience. That tear she shed in the hospital when hearing about the losing her baby.

She didn't cry any tears after that. Even when it was now a week later.

Elsa came to visit the three graves with Gwen's ashes in her hand.

Never in her life has she felt as alone as she felt at that very moment. She had buried all her family members, even the one that was just about to join them.

They were all in the after life, while she was here all alone in this cruel world.

She looked at her baby's grave, "My child, if there is another life, please give me another chance to be your mummy. I'm so sorry I didn't keep my promise of protecting you. I'm so sorry your own father was the one who killed you...."

After spending the entire time talking to the tombstones like she was possessed, Elsa walked out of the cemetery.

She only took three steps away from the graveyard when she saw a black car parked not very far from where she was.

She decided to ignore it, knowing perfectly well who it was, and changed the direction she was using to head home.

When Jeremy saw this, he got angry. He got out of his car and followed her. He quickened his steps to get close to her and held her arm keeping her from moving.

Elsa didn't even turn to him, she just pulled her arm back forcefully only for it to grabbed again.

"Where are you going, Mrs Callahan?"

Elsa didn't want to see him, or even chat with him. She had stayed in her sister's apartment all week by herself refusing to interact with anyone.

And after all that silence, there was no way in hell she wanted the first person she talked to to be Jeremy.

She turned to him and didn't say anything. She just looked at him blankly and tried to take her arm back but Jeremy didn't let her.

"You're coming home with me, Mrs Callahan."

Elsa still didn't talk and just kept trying to get her arm back.

The fact that she didn't say anything to him was now starting to irritate him.

"Don't try to be difficult right now. I'm asking nicely. I can easily make you get into that car if I want to." He warned.

Elsa looked at him and didn't say anything. She had a bone to pick with him and her anger just hadn't died down yet.

"Are you coming willingly, or do I have to force you into that car?"

When Elsa still didn't answer and kept struggling, Jeremy threw her on his shoulder and started carrying her to his car.

No word had come out of Elsa's mouth still, she was just kicking him and punching his back as she tried to wiggle out of his shoulder.

But Jeremy didn't let her.

He only put her down when he putting her on the front passenger's seat. And then closed the car door before going to his side.

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