chapter 268

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Elsa arrived at Callahan Manor, and what she saw made her realize that it wasn’t The Old Master who had called for her. In fact, he wasn’t even in the room.

The room was filled with Jeremy, Victoria, Lorna, Rosanna, and James.

When Elsa saw James, her heart skipped a beat. She had an urge to approach him and show him the album.

However, James only looked at her for a second before looking away. At that moment, Elsa knew she couldn’t talk to him.

“There you are,” Lorna said to Elsa with an unwelcoming tone. “Have a seat.” She pointed to an empty one-seater sofa next to the couch where Victoria and Jeremy were seated.

Elsa sat on the couch before eyeing everyone in the room again. The air seemed tense.

She looked at Mr. McConnell and wished he would look at her again so she could ask herself if those eyes looked like hers or not.

But James didn’t spare Elsa another glance.

No one said anything for almost a minute. All the women in the room were glaring at Elsa, while the men, Jeremy and James, were watching the floor as if there was something interesting there.

“Are you going to tell me why you summoned me here? Or are you just going to sit there and stare at me?” Elsa asked rudely while still observing Mr. McConnell.

“Watch your tone and attitude, Elsa!” Lorna warned.

Elsa rolled her eyes. She was this close to getting up from the couch and going to find The Old Master, but Lorna spoke just in time.

“We called you here because we want you to do something,” Lorna said.

Elsa turned to Lorna and asked with disinterest, “What?”

Lorna rolled her eyes as if already bored. “I’m sure you’re aware that there will be a press conference in front of Simba Co-operation tomorrow. We want you to be at the conference.”

Elsa was planning on going so she could find a way to talk to James. But this invitation, which had them summoning her here, made her suspicious. “Why?” Elsa asked Lorna.

Rosanna answered her, “Because you are going to say that you faked the two videos and the person in them was not Victoria, but an actress you hired who resembled her. A doppelganger you used to make Victoria look bad.”


Elsa burst out laughing, “Is this some kind of joke?”

She laughed alone as the entire room kept a frown on their faces.

“Believe me, Gwen, I have zero interest in trying to amuse you,” Rosanna said.

Elsa shook her head in disbelief. She hadn’t heard them wrong. They wanted her to save Victoria from the backlash she was getting. And they weren’t even asking; they were ordering.

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