...chapter 287

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Months passed, and everything remained quiet.

The only people who visited Elsa were Lui, Alex, Hayley, and Bruno. Jeremy never returned.

Elsa had just finished taking her evening shower when three women walked into the bathroom and pinned her against the wall.

Elsa couldn't see their faces because they had covered them up.

Two of them held her down while the third injected something into her shoulder.

After they finished, they quickly ran away before anyone could find them.

It didn't take long before Elsa's water broke, two weeks earlier than her due date. This was because they had injected her with something to induce labor.

Elsa was taken to the hospital in that prison to give birth.

And she went through an excruciatingly painful labor with no pain reliever as she pushed the baby out.

This was Elsa's first time giving birth, and the delivery was a nightmare.

The baby was positioned badly and became trapped.

Elsa lay there in agony as the midwives tried to turn the baby.

After what felt like an eternity, they succeeded, and the baby was born.

However, it came out looking blue and puffy, with the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. It was not crying and it was not moving.

The two nurses struggled to release it, sweating profusely from their faces.

Even after all their efforts, the baby remained silent and did not cry. It laid there looking very blue. No cry some out of it and this scared the nurses.

It was only when the doctor grabbed the baby, turned it upside down, and slapped its bottom twice that a loud cry escaped its throat.

The nurses sighed with relief, thinking it was over, only for Elsa to turn pale, lose consciousness, and begin to hemorrhage.

Her blood covered the entire bed.

The nurses fought to wake her up and stop the bleeding.

They didn't give up on her even when they felt they should and only stopped when the bleeding reduced, and Elsa opened her eyes.

The nurses sighed with relief. For a second there, it had looked like both the mother and child were goners.

The first thing Elsa did when she woke up was ask to see her baby.

And this was not dark Elsa, this was just Elsa herself. She had gotten back control. She had to, she wanted to be there and see her child.

One of the nurses followed the doctor who took the child away. What she saw when she got there shocked her to her core.

After some good minutes, the nurse came back with no child in her arms.

"What happened? Where is my baby?" Elsa asked in a scared and shaky voice.

The nurse started narrating what she saw. She said there was a man who was let into the prison hospital, and he was the one with the child when she walked in. She hid to see what was going on, only for the man in question to suffocate the child.

"That man... H-he... he looked... He looked like the grandson of Old Master Peter Callahan. I-I think... I t-think his name is J-jeremy," the nurse's shaky voice was heard in the room.

Elsa's eyes went wide as shock paralyzed her so hard she couldn't move.

Just then, the doctor walked in with a quiet child held in a blanket. "Miss Halverson, I don't know what happened. I went to get something and left her on the weighing scale. When I came back shortly after, she had turned blue again and wasn't breathing anymore. I tried everything, but I couldn't save her. I'm so sorry, Miss Halverson. Your baby girl has passed away."


Elsa sat on that hospital bed until morning, holding onto the body of her dead baby, stubbornly refusing to let her go.

It was only when Alex came that Elsa agreed to hand over the child to her. And this was because she wanted for Alex to turn the body into ash and make a grave for her next to Jenna, Amelia, and the child she miscarried.


With her having given birth, her trial was now approaching.

Victoria decided to have her beaten up before the trial, then killed afterwards.

And with Gretchen agreeing to this months ago, she was more than happy that this day had finally come.

Blood dripped down Elsa's legs and the pain in her lower abdomen tortured her. She had just given birth, so she hadn't healed yet.

She looked at the blood staining the floor as tears rolled down her face.

She did not let out a loud sob. Her cries were too silent. She stopped flinching at the punches. She just stood against the wall numbly as they continued to send kicks and blows to her stomach.

They laughed when they saw the blood on the white tiled floor.

They mocked her for losing her baby.

"We would have made a cute couple, Red. But you just had to reject me, didn't you?"

"Aww, poor you... Your child has turned into a corpse. Boohoo!"

"Are you crying, princess?"

"Are you sad?... You pathetic thing!"

Gretchen and her crew threw her on the floor, turned on the shower, then went away laughing hysterically.

"Wash that blood off your pants, bitch!"

Elsa was on the floor as the water from the cold shower hit her head, making her hair and face wet. And soon, her entire body.

She had not made any sound until now.

But suddenly, Elsa felt an unbearable pain in her head. It was worse than she had ever felt before. It struck her with so much force, she felt like she was going crazy.

She let out a blood-curdling scream as she clenched her fists in both pain and anger.

Her scream could be heard all over the building and beyond because of how powerful her lungs were at that time.

She screamed out her anger and pain. She screamed so hard her throat was starting to hurt.

When her voice was dying down, so was her headache.

But at that very moment, something started to change. Something she could not explain. Something in her mind, something very important.

She felt herself changing. Like a chameleon, her color was turning.

"Jeremy Callahan, you took everything from me. I will not die, not until I make you pay."

"Victoria Rowland, you took what belonged to me and mine. You will repay it all in blood."

Elsa stood up slowly and watched as the water washed her blood away.

And at that very moment, she swore on the lives of every Halverson that had died at the hands of the enemy, including her two children...

They would be avenged.

And just then, Scarlett ran into the bathroom. And when she saw Elsa, she knew she had arrived too late this time.

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