chapter 252

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Elsa watched as Rosanna and Victoria left, remaining silent.

Her head was hurting, so she reached into her bag and took her painkillers, along with the pills Lui had given her, which he had described as very important.

Elsa walked over to the police officer at the reception desk and told him that she had received a call to come there.

The officer, who was eating doughnuts at the time, had just opened his box and taken a big first bite. It should be noted that he was very hungry at that time. However, the moment he saw Elsa, he was so struck by her beauty that he offered her the rest of his doughnuts.

Elsa smiled at the sweet gesture but politely declined.

It turned out that the officer who had called Elsa was named Mahone, the chief of police.

She didn't understand why he wanted to talk to her instead of the police handling her case, but she felt she should see him anyway.

Elsa walked into Chief Mahone's office immediately after he was informed of her arrival.

The officer was a big man in size and sat behind his desk, looking intimidating. Unlike the other men who were dressed in blue uniforms, his uniform was black.

He had a buffalo head on his office wall, which gave the room a weird feeling.

Elsa stood in front of his desk for a few seconds before he told her she could sit down.

He was a tanned-skinned man with a couple of gray hairs poking out of his black hair. The officer had an authoritative aura around him and looked at Elsa with curious eyes.

He leaned back in his chair as he played with a cigar in his hand.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke, "Miss Halverson, right?"

Elsa nodded. "Yes."

"I have seen your case. You want to charge Victoria McConnell with attempted homicide, right?"

"Yes," Elsa answered.

"Well, I called here to ask you to not pursue this case any further," he said calmly.

Elsa looked at him, confused by his words. "What?"

Mahone took a lighter and lit his cigar before taking a drag. When he released the smoke, covering his face, he said, "We received a call from someone very powerful. He asked for full information about your case, which we provided. And then, he had the case dropped."

Elsa's mouth fell open.

The only person Elsa thought could do this was Jeremy.

"Jeremy Callahan called you?" she asked, stating the obvious.

Mahone chuckled silently. "You figured out his identity so quickly."

He used his cigar to point at her as he said, "You are smart, very smart."

Elsa was not interested in the compliments. She was only interested in knowing what was going on with her case.

Just because Jeremy called, her case got dropped? So Victoria came here and found out, which made her cry, then called Jeremy, who called the chief to dismiss the case?

"Why would you close my case? Shouldn't you at least investigate first?"

"No investigations were needed, and no investigations will be done. The case is already closed," he said.

He then smirked at Elsa. "You must be very naive to think Jeremy Callahan would let you open a case against Victoria."

Jeremy got the case dropped to protect Victoria? He was that powerful to get a case as serious as this dismissed.

And he did it all to protect his love. Elsa just laughed at herself.

But she wouldn't let this go that quickly. She wouldn't let Victoria go unpunished.

"I want to reopen the case," Elsa said with a determined voice.

"Your case will never be opened." he shot at her.

"But I have the right to open my case," Elsa shot back at him.

"And you also have the right to not commit fraud," he shot back at her.

Fraud? Elsa immediately remembered Jeremy's warning before he made her marry him. He had told her that if she didn't agree, she would be charged with fraud and taken to jail for being Elsa.

"Yes, fraud, Miss Halverson... The police department is very much aware of your double identity, and if you don't want to end up in jail because of that, I would advise you to not try to go against Jeremy. He is the one who is keeping you from being charged, after all."

Elsa felt frustrated. 'Really? That's how it's going to be? I won't get my case heard because if I try, I will end up in jail for being myself?'

Was she expected to thank Jeremy for not being charged with fraud?

When Elsa went quiet, Mahone chuckled and leaned into his desk as he spoke. "Now you listen to me, girly, and you listen hard. You are going to let this case go and never pursue it again, do you understand? And if you try to make a report against Victoria McConnell ever again, I will arrest you for committing fraud and make sure you get the maximum sentence for such a crime."

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