chapter 284

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Elsa just laughed. "You want me to grovel to you? To beg for your forgiveness? I won't. I stabbed you because of your wickedness!... You hurt, wounded, and destroyed me, and you walked away like you didn't do anything each time. Yes, I don't want to stay in here, but I will not ask for forgiveness for something I wanted to do for a long time. I wanted to get rid of you, Jeremy... And if I was given the chance, the choice, and the knife, I would do it again."

Elsa looked like a demon who wanted to go through with a massacre, killing everyone in her path. A murderous aura emitted from her every pore.

Even so, she still looked extremely beautiful.

Elsa then got up from the chair, ready to walk away. "Keep your help, I don't want it."

Before she walked away, Jeremy said to her, "Then I will not help you. Because of what you just said, you have sealed your fate. I will make sure you die in here!"

Jeremy expected Elsa to turn around, but she kept walking away.

And that was when Jeremy decided not to go easy on her. If they would sentence her for fraud, he would not do anything about it.


Elsa learned that Scarlett knew Lui; they were old acquaintances. Lui hired Elsa and her gang as Elsa's personal bodyguards.

During lunch, Scarlett told Elsa to come to her table. Elsa served her food on a tray and started looking for Scarlett.

When she spotted her, she started walking towards her, only for someone to start calling her.

"Hey! [Whistles] Hey, pretty little thing?! [Whistles] Come here, you! You green-eyed brown head! You cute pale thing! Come here, right now! Hey! I'm talking to you, pretty thing! Bring your ass over here! Come here!"

She knew the woman was calling for her. Elsa wanted to ignore her and keep walking away, only for two women at her table to come to her. One stood in front of her, and the other behind her.

"Didn't you hear her calling for you?" the tall woman in front of Elsa asked.

Elsa rolled her eyes. "I didn't, because I am not a thing."

When she heard that, her gaze turned unfriendly. "You better not have that attitude with me if you don't want any trouble."

Before Elsa could respond, the woman who was calling for her said, "Bring her over here!"

The next second, Elsa was being dragged to the table. The table was filled with thug-looking women whose arms and necks were covered with tattoos.

The one who called for her seemed to be the leader.

"You look even cuter up close; I might just start falling in love with you," the leader said with a smirk.

Elsa was quiet, her mind calculating what to do.

The leader had a cigarette with her that she was smoking because apparently, she was allowed to smoke. She got up from the chair and stood beside Elsa.

"When I look at you, the first thing that comes to mind is a delicate fairytale princess that needs to be rescued," she said, playing with her hair.

"What fairytale princess are you? Belle, Cinderella? Sleeping Beauty?"

"She looks more like Little Red Riding Hood to me," one of the girls at the table said as she eyed Elsa up and down.

"Mmh! Red, I like it... That's your new name, Red."

Elsa was about to snap at her and say she already had a name but stopped herself.

The leader then took a long, deep drag of her cigarette before releasing it all over Elsa's face.

Elsa flinched away from the smoke immediately.

She then pushed the cigarette to Elsa. "Here, Red. Take a drag. And then sit with me and tell me what a pretty thing like you is doing in a place like this."

She then whispered in her ear, "then maybe later we can start bonding."

If Elsa didn't say she was horrified, she would be lying.

She looked at the cigarette. Smoking tobacco while pregnant was something she wasn't going to do.

And she isn't even a smoker to begin with. She had never touched a cigarette.

Also, she did not like that invitation. That was not who she was. And even if she was, she wouldn't do that with a random person she met in jail.

She decided to decline the cigarette politely. "Sorry, I don't smoke."

When the leader heard that, her face darkened. "Did you just reject an offer after I asked you so sweetly?

"You don't want me as your enemy, Red, so be an obedient little bitch, and take a drag." She warned

Elsa felt annoyed.

The woman pushed the cigarette even closer to her.

Elsa started was calculating what to do. She was too outnumbered to fight, and her rejecting the cigarette seemed to upset the leader.

She turned to look at her and saw how lustful she was looking. A look she previously thought men who act like dogs have. She decided to ignore it and say respectfully.


Scarlett's voice interrupted her as she pulled Elsa behind her"Back off, Gretchen, she is with me!". She then stood between her and Gretchen looking very intimidating.


Let me now go to Sunday mass, I'll see you later.

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