chapter 230

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Elsa rode with the ambulance to the hospital. Her grandma still wasn't moving, she still wasn't awake.

'Grandma, please! Don't leave me please! What would I do without you?I have nobody left! Don't go! Please don't go!

Elsa was at the waiting area for any news from the doctor.

And when she came to her, Elsa saw the look in her face and immediately remembered when she last got such a look. From Gwen's doctors. That morning after they left the operating room.

"Your grandmother is suffering from  a heart failure. An advanced heart failure. She needs a new heart, this old one is no good. She needs a heart transplant as soon as possible or she will die."

Those words hit Elsa like stray basketball.

How could she suddenly get a heart failure? She was fine just that morning!

She couldn't even speak at that moment. She couldn't form a sentence in her mind.

"Luckily for you, Miss Halverson, there is a donor ready. We can the procedure immediately."

Those words felt like they were said by an angel itself because of how much hope they carried.

"Really?" Elsa sighed with relief and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Yes." She nodded.

And then, she looked at her clipboard. "We can have a heart transplant done on her. Just have  1.2 million with you so we can get started with the preparations."

Elsa's smile and relief both left at the same time.

'1.2 million...?!'

How was she going to get that kind of money?

"Please hurry Miss Halverson. We have put her on a heart support machine, but that can only keep her alive for so long. Her heart is too weak. No treatment will help. Her heart cannot pump enough blood to support her body's needs. She needs a new one right now. I cannot stress that enough."


Elsa was in tears as she walked into Jeremy's villa. He was the only person who could help her at that moment.

All she had was the 100,000 that was given to her by Mr McConnell.

And that could barely cover half of the hospital bill.

She didn't know who else to go to that had that kind of money. Who to ask for help at that moment. No one was obligated to help her and her grandma. But maybe her husband might.

When she walked into the house, she didn't find Jeremy in the living room, or in the study.

She knew he was in his bedroom and knocked on his door waiting patiently for him to open for her.

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