chapter 260

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“Jeremy, what are you doing here?” Elsa asked.

“I came to see my wife who is at the hospital, is there a problem with that?” Jeremy asked Elsa as he walked closer to her.

When Maricruz saw Jeremy, her eyes lit up. But she didn’t say anything.

“I called him Elsa. He had to know what happened to you. Being that he is your husband.” Bruno said to Elsa but she had already figured it out.

She wondered if he told Jeremy  what Victoria said about them fighting.

Bruno then turned to Jeremy and said,“she is fine now. Her fever died down and she is okay.”

Jeremy didn’t answer and was just staring at Elsa making her very uncomfortable.


“Yes, Bruno.”

“I’ll see you soon, okay?” Bruno said with a gentle voice.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Seeing Elsa smile at Bruno, Jeremy pulled Elsa to him and held her by her waist. This happened when Elsa was just about to hug Bruno goodbye, and Jeremy had noticed this too.

“Don’t forget to rest up to regain your energy.”

Jeremy saw how nice Bruno was being towards Elsa. But for the sake of their friendship, he didn’t say or assume anything.

But... He held Elsa even tighter now, his possessive side taking over, even with his trusted friend.

Bruno had learned by now that Jeremy stopped trusting Elsa and had intentions of divorcing her soon so he could marry Victoria.

He trusted Victoria completely, so Bruno didn’t tell him his suspicion about what happened on the cliff. He kept that to himself. Not questioning Elsa, not questioning Victoria. He would investigate on his own.

Jeremy didn’t like this familiarity between his friend and his wife.

“We’re leaving!” he said coldly.

Without waiting for anyone’s response, he started dragging Elsa away with him.

Not wanting to cause a scene, Elsa didn't reject him despite not wanting to go with him.

Seeing Jeremy dragging Elsa away, Bruno called after them, “Go easy on her, Jeremy. She is still not completely well after that experience.”

Elsa wasn’t strong enough for hostility at that moment. Despite Jeremy hating Elsa, he should at least consider the fact that she wasn’t alright at that moment and needed to be taken care of.

This made Jeremy even more furious and quickened his pace as he dragged Elsa through the sidewalk and to his car.

He opened the car door and forced Elsa into the front passenger’s side before he went to the driver’s side.

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