chapter 226

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Amelia went and sat alone hugging herself on a chair in a corner, thinking of what to do now. Hoping and praying nothing would come out of this interaction. Between Elsa and James.

As for Victoria and her adoptive parents, they were panicking. They had to excuse themselves from Rosanna and Jeremy so they could talk.

This can't be good. This wasn't good for them.

Amelia didn't even look at them, or anyone else. Her eyes were on the floor.

Her mind was thinking about this family.

In Serpens there was four families that were considered the big giants.

The richest, the most powerful families. They had the money and power to make the world stop and spin by their command.

The first were The Callahans, they were the richest amongst the richest.

They have a company worth hundreds of billions of money, close to trillions. The company has been passed down from one generation to the next, and it was now 70 years old.

Second only to the Callahans, were the McConnell family. They were also like royalty. The second family of Serpens.

But they rival the Callahans in richness and power. If they were in the same field of business, they would certain be rival families.

They had a multi-billion empire that has been passed down from one generation to the next. And it soon would be 50 years old.

The empire was a large company. And it's name was Simba. The first born got to run the company. And then the child of the first born would rule the company, passed down to them from the father.

They were trained for it all their lives. Since Simba means Lion, the leader of the company is considered the head of pride. He was lion pride leader.

The branches of Simba that were scattered all around the world, were run by the second born to the last child.

But the main one, the beating heart of it, the capital company, was ruled by the lion cub.

That is why the family were called the pride by everyone.

The first child of the Lion pride leader, the moment the mother got pregnant, the child was immediately named the Lion Cub.

Regardless of their gender, being the first child, you got the lion cub right.

It only now happened that the first born was girls. This was the first time. It had always been boys.

But the fact that they were girls didn't discredit them at all. The McConnells were also an old fashioned family, but, they believed the first born got the leader spirit regardless of their gender.

The lion cub was the one to rule over everything. As well as overlook the branches that were not in Serpens. That is the lion cub of the pride. That is the lion cub of Serpens.

Because the people of Serpens definitely call the child, the lion cub.

And the headlines the next day will definitely be something like, [the new lion cub of Serpens, Victoria McConnell.....]

The third family was called the Campbell family.

Noble in their own right with only one son to inherit everything.

The forth family, was the Griffin family.

They were a family who kept their business and everything about them on the low and away from the public eye and the media. But everyone knew they had the power, and the money, to move mountains.

Elsa was taken up the stairs and into a room in the manor that was a big office.

It was very huge and had paintings on the wall, portraits if you will, of different people.

The first thing she noticed though, was a symbol. A lion shaped symbol. It looked like a logo of something.

And amongst the many portraits, one of the caught her eye. A portrait woman. A woman dressed like a noble, seated on fancy looking chair.

It wasn't how she was dressed that caught her eye, it was how she looked.

She looked exactly like her and Gwen!

And with her striking green eyes, she looked just like Elsa.

In the picture, she looked very young. Probably 18 or something. But Elsa could definitely see the resemblance.

She stared at the girl and even tilted her head slightly to her left side.

Why would this girl look like her and Gwen? How could someone not related to them look like them?

'Elsa, this concidences are getting too much.'

This was obviously a member of the McConnell family. Because this painting was kept here and was very well taken care of.

"That was my mother!"

Mr McConnell's voice said across the room startling Elsa a little bit, who had been lost in that painting that she kept seeing herself in that girl.

That was his mother... Was, meaning she wasn't here anymore.

Elsa looked at Mr McConnell, who was walking towards her, and then back at the painting.

Why did she resemble his mother?

And did he also ask himself the same thing?


I know y'all were dying to know the meaning of the term lion cub,

I hope this explains it.

If it hasn't and it's still confusing, don't worry, there will be plenty more chapters that will tell it all.

Remember, Elsa doesn't know it's meaning yet, someone has to explain to her. *smirks and shrugs*

See you in the next chapter..

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