chapter 229

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Amelia woke up the next day with only one thing in her mind, she wanted to go back home immediately.

She didn't offer an explanation to why she wanted to leave abruptly, and refused to talk to Elsa.

She only said she wanted to leave that very moment. Even without taking her breakfast.

Elsa called her a cab to take her to the train station. And Amelia didn't even want Elsa to accompany her there.

She wanted to go to the station on her own.

Elsa found her behavior weird. It was almost as if she was avoiding her own granddaughter.

But she let her go anyway.

After that, Elsa was thinking if could be too early to start buying baby clothes for her child.

She decided to go through the internet that day and look at baby  onesies and their prizes, some receiving blankets and diapers.

She knew she needed a job soon if she wanted to take care of this child.

But what if she make paintings in the meantime, and also she could use her grandmother's skills and teachings to make aromatherapy kits.

Make perfumes.

As she was thinking about that, her mind wondered to Mr McConnell.

She wanted to ask her grandma if her mum and Mr McConnell ever had any kind of relationship.

What if they were boyfriend and girlfriend at a point? What if he was her and Gwen's father and he didn't know this?

Maybe her mum got pregnant and never told him.

Because why was she feeling so much familiarity with him?

The day went on rather quietly. Elsa knew in the evening she would have to go back to Jeremy's villa before he starts looking for her and threatening her.

And just as she locked the door ready to leave, her phone rang in her pocket, it was her grandma.

She immediately thought something was wrong.

"Grandma, are you okay?"

Amelia took a little long to answer. Giving Elsa anxiety she didn't need at that moment. "Everything is great, Elsa. I'm doing fine actually.... Except for one thing.

"What is that Grandma?"



"Yes child. Guilt... Guilt that I and your mother never told you and Gwen about your past."

She then added with a shaky voice. "About your father."

Elsa heart skipped a beat, or two. "Grandma, you know my father?" She exclaimed.

"I do... I know him very well. I can even recognize him after more than two decades."

Elsa couldn't calm down now. She and to know who he was.

"Grandma, who is he? Tell me who he is, please?"

"Not on the phone child. There is so many things you don't know. So many things about your mother and your father. And your family as a whole. About what happened before you were born. But how I let your mother snatch a life from Gwen and you before you two were even born."

Elsa didn't understand. "Grandma, what are you saying?"

"I'll be waiting for you Elsa. Please hurry."

"Okay. I'll take the first bus or train to you right now."


Elsa rushed to the train station immediately. And it only took 30 minutes for the train to take off. Which was too much for Elsa.

The train ride was also extremely long for her.

It was only after two hours, was she in her grandma's little town.

She got a cab and immediately rushed to her house. The first odd thing she noticed was the front door was wide open.

Her grandma always locked her door. Always. Why was it wide open today?

Elsa decided not to think much of it and walked into the living room.

"Grandma!" She called out.

Her small old-fashioned TV, the one with a huge back, was on and an Elvis Presley song was singing there. That one song called, can't help falling in love. He was performing it infront of a live audience.

Even with the TV on, there was no one in the living room. That was odd too.

"Grandma!" Elsa called out again.

She then went into the kitchen to check on her, she still wasn't there.

She went out to her rose and tomato garden to check on her, but there was nobody there.

She went back inside thinking she could be in her bedroom so she should check there next.

"Grandma! Grandma!"

As she was walking in, she ended up freezing in her steps not long after.

She hadn't noticed before, maybe because she didn't look close enough. But behind one of the couch who's back faced the back door, there was someone laying down there.

Elsa stopped breathing. Her feet got so heavy that she had to drag it so she could walk towards that spot.

A loud scream came out of her mouth as she said "Grandma!"

There was Amelia on the floor. Looking as pale as a sheet of paper.

There was no blood or anything like that. She looked like she fainted. That was what Elsa thought.

She tried to shake her awake desperately, but that didn't work.

With shaky hands, she called the emergency hotline number. She tried to stay calm as she explained her emergency to them, giving them her location.

As the ambulance was on it way, she kept trying to give her first aid.

But when she felt her pulse and saw how weak it was, she almost fainted as well.

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