chapter 251

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Two days later.

Elsa received a call from the police station early in the morning, asking her to come immediately.

She quickly left because she knew it was about the case she had filed.

Over the past two days, Elsa had been trying her grandma's aromatherapy recipes while waiting for feedback from Allan.

She was mixing fragrances in her apartment, following the recipe book she had gotten from her grandma's house. She needed more time and more kits before she could be sure she had gotten it right. So she wasn't sure about anything Elsa.

When Elsa entered the police station, she was greeted by Victoria and Rosanna, who were seated at the reception bench.

Victoria was crying in her mother's arms, and her mother was comforting her. Rosanna hugged Victoria tightly as she whispered to her that everything would be alright.

When Rosanna saw Elsa, she got up from the bench and walked towards her, pointing her finger. "You despicable woman! I am going to tear you apart today. How dare you!" she screamed at Elsa.

Elsa stood still, looking at her. She should have expected this kind of reaction from Rosanna. Rosanna was going to defend and protect her daughter, regardless of the case against her.

"Accusing Vic of attempted murder? When you yourself tried to kill yourself? Is there no level you won't stoop to in order to harm my child?" her voice was so high that it started attracting attention to her.

Elsa felt upset at her ignorant words. Rosanna blindly assumed that she was doing this just to harm Victoria and barely looked at the facts of the case.

So Elsa said to her, "Your child tried to kill me. I-"

Rosanna wasn't going to let her finish. "Lies! Do you deny seducing her fiancé? Do you deny bewitching him? You seduced him right in front of Victoria just to hurt her, didn't you?" Rosanna interrupted her, yelling.

Victoria didn't waste time complaining to her mother, it seems. She wouldn't let Elsa get away with kissing Jeremy two days ago.

Victoria was still seated on her bench, wiping her tears as she smiled secretly at Rosanna scolding Elsa.

Rosanna blinding believed everything Victoria said to her. She didn't want to every lose her daughter again so she defended and protected her without any fear or worry she was getting the facts wrong.

She even gave her everything she ever wanted. Money was not a problem to her, so if Victoria wanted something, she was immediately given. No matter the cost.

And Victoria being as greedy as she was, she milked her parents' bank accounts.

"Do you deny stabbing yourself and then pushing the blame onto Victoria?" Rosanna questioned again.

Elsa started getting angry again. She felt herself changing, but she tried to stop it.

Didn't Rosanna see the evidence that she was drugged? Or maybe she just didn't care.

"I only stabbed myself because Victoria-"

"Yes, you stabbed yourself! There, you said it! But you want to make Victoria pay for it?"

Mrs. McConnell was so focused on proving Victoria was innocent, she didn't care about the drug report.

"Mrs. McConnell-"

"You are a wicked harlot! And I will not allow you to keep hurting my daughter. I will not allow you to frame her."

She walked over with her hand raised, ready to slap Elsa. The anger in her voice and the redness in her eyes told Elsa that she wanted to attack and harm her.

She was ready to slap her, only for Elsa to hold her hand and stop her.

She wasn't going to let this woman keep hitting her every time.

Elsa was furious at this point. She was tired of everyone constantly harassing her and she was at her limit.

She raised her hand, ready to slap Rosanna, but midway, something stopped her.

Something inside her told her not to hit this woman, despite her always hitting her like she was some punching bag.

So Elsa let go of Rosanna's hand and backed away from her as she tried to understand that feeling inside.

Just then, Victoria ran to Rosanna's side, crying bitterly. "Mum, are you okay? She almost hit you, Mum. Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" she said with worry in her voice.

She hugged Rosanna. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me, Mum. Defending me will only get you hurt, Mom. I don't want Gwen to hurt you."

Rosanna comforted Victoria while wiping her tears. "I'm fine, Victoria. If she dared to touch me, she would have seen what I would have done to her."

She then turned to Elsa and said, "If you dare harm my daughter again, I will not go easy on you. I will make you pay for every tear she has shed."

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