chapter 244

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Alex let go of Elsa and stood next to the bed looking at Jeremy with hatred. She disliked this man with passion.

He was a rich man who treated everyone around him like trash because his money protected him.

"What are you doing here Jeremy? And what do you want?" She asked showing equal hostility towards him.

Jeremy answered while looking at Elsa. "This woman right here has been summoned to the Callahan Manor to answer for all her crimes. So, I am here to pick her up."

When Elsa heard that, she knew this won't be good for her.

"Well, you wasted your time coming here, Jeremy. Because she is not going anywhere with you." Alex answered on Elsa's behalf.

She was not afraid of Jeremy. She hated him from the very beginning and kept praying Elsa unloves that man and gets with someone who would treat her better.

"Oh, she is!" Jeremy nodded. "I am taking her with me."

Seeing Jeremy make his way towards Elsa, Alex stood infront of Elsa shielding her from him while looking at Jeremy fearlessly.

"You're not taking her anywhere because of three reasons." She lifted her index finger as she counted. "One? I will not let you take her..."

She raised her middle finger, "Two? She has not healed yet, so she cannot leave the hospital."

Then, she raised her ring finger, "And three? Elsa would never want to go with a miserable scumbag like you."

When Jeremy heard that, he got so angry, veins were popping on his temples. "You better watch how you speak to me, Alexandria Wedell!"

Seeing Jeremy fisting his hands, Elsa got worried. She didn't want Jeremy coming for Alex now. She didn't want him to hurt her.

This man was violent and cruel. Alex shouldn't be his victim, too.

She remembered very well how he had Lui's business closed down just because Elsa didn't come to his Villa when he asked her to.

But Alex didn't seem bothered. "Or what? You worthless piece of shit!... Or... What?"

She then raised her eyebrows as she shouted, "You're going to beat me like you have been beating your wife?!... What kind of man lays a finger on a woman!....

"Oh, I will tell you what kind?... A pussy of a man. A weakling of a man who can only attack women cause they are weaker than him." She gritted her teeth as she stretched her next words. "A weak man who fights women because he would feel stronger then. Compared to fighting a man who matches his physical strength."

She then eyed Jeremy up and down with disgust. "How convenient of you to show up just when Lui isn't around. Just when Lui left is when you show up? How convenient is that! How fucking convenient is that!" She threw her hands in the air.

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